Mar 10, 2010 04:16
Zero Accountability:
I am not the only person making mistakes. What was I angry about? The inability of other people to admit their errors, and thus dumping everything on me.
You made mistakes too. Your outright refusal to admit that you, too, were wrong hurt me in ways I don't think you understand. I felt disrespected and unwanted. And I will not just accept it. Claiming such was not the case only made things worse.
It's easier to be held accountable when you're face-to-face. Look me in the eyes and tell me I'm always wrong, and you're one hundred percent right.
Then I'll know for sure that I'm not wanted. And I can go back to the business of being alone in a crowded room.
I will never be a part of it.
As an aside, a poetic moment:
White letters on black blink back at me.
They play together and smash their toys when I draw too near.