Jun 15, 2008 16:08
For the meme there will be lost of post about various topics. Here's the first:
If I could only say two words about this it'd be 'watch it' probably followed by squees and bounces. I am sooo in love with this anime and its au spin offs.
Mai is a normal girl (as they all always are in anime), who's trip to a new school uncovers powers she didn't know she had and a whole bunch of traditions and secrets.
It's fanservicy, funny, kick arse, has beautiful music, and *squees*
Maybe this is a bad thing for me to talk about, never been able to do much but squee when it comes to Mai Hime as I showed everyone at Baka Con lol
I love the fights and the magic and thier powers. I love how much it tore my heart out stamped up and down it and left me in awe at how cruel it could be. I love how it made me laugh and giggle and squee. How addictive it got at the end and how the action just came wave after wave, when you thought the series was climaxing it was really only just getting going.
I ship in here for Mai/Tate, Akira/Takumi and a little bit for Natsuki/Shizuru, of and for Haruka/Yukino but not a massive amount. Oh and I'm torn for my favourite character, Mikoto cos hey I love cats and she sooo is one but also Akira because #1 Akira rocks and kicks arse and #2 my akira/takumi ship
I feel like I am just not doing this series justice. There is soo much to say about it and all I can think is I wanna rewatch the whole thing and fall inlove again. I think the only way I can do it justice is to tell you to watch it then squee and cry with you as you do.
Its a fan-frelling-tastic anime, but stay away from the manga, it is not the same.
In actual fact I think the way the anime started, it was not very serious, a fair amount of fanservice and a slightly interesting plot. It could have gone one of two ways, could have kicked arse (As it did sooo well) or it could have kept up with excessive fanservice and never developed a decent plot. The manga went the latter way. It all the options the anime did, and I almost feel like they just p*ssed it all away for some boob shots. And yes I like boobies as much as the next girl but give us some decent plot please?
I'm dying to get my hands on the computer games. Yes I cannot read any form of Japanese, nor can I understand it but oh gods do I want that. I would even get a PS2 to be able to play it. Its on my long list of things to save up for.
I'm addicted to the action figures for it, though sadly compared to My Otome they are very few. I think I have more figures for the My- universe than from any other manga, or maybe, possibly from all the others put together :-s
I am at my worst for addiction to merch when it comes to Mai Hime, well worst for anime as I think my madness for Farscape merch will never be surpassed. I have a purse, and am dying to get a bag, really really dying to get one. And am highly tempted by a hime symbol tat but lis stoled that idea first (Well she came up with it so its not really stealing but still)
Oh noes! I just went to use a mai hime icon for this post and...I don't have one, not a single one! I will go and fix that before pressing post. Ok i had loads just hadnt uploaded them to here. *feels better*