I'm feeling geeky

Feb 22, 2008 16:33

Well I'm at the shop and flaking out after having sawed up lotsa wood.

Off to Becka and Marcus' tonight to start our Deadlands rpg, I;m a sioux shaman, was meant to read up on them :-s Then it's a quiet weekend of chillin out on my own on Sat and working Sunday.

I can happily say I am feeling happy again after suffering the Feb Blues. Have started on some add back hormones to counter the hot flushes, hasn't had much of an effect yet but fingers x'ed, its called kliovance. If I can get rid of the hot flushes then things will be better.

Have started to catch up on my comic reading. In the middle of the Mystic arcana mini series, the darkness, and have read iron and the maiden. Was fairly pleased with them all. Must finish Supreme power so i can actually read all the spin offs of it I own. Also read the new necromancer but they seem to have done it on a trial run so hopefully they continue.

I tried to hunt down death note 13 but neither TM or FP have it, checked out amazon and they said that they will have it 7th July *sob* I wanted to spend money. Now I have to save it.

On the watching front seem to have slowed down on the love film. need to watch some more. Have been watching my otome each week with lis and sam which I am definatly getting into (more my hime related squeeing later), we are halfway through dexter and really liking it, though I have to say rooting for a serial killer does feel kinda odd. Also We are moving along with Noir, though there still hasn't been any development *sob*, and sadly as the feb blues sucked away my want to exercise I haven't been watching much MKR, but from next week that should change. Oh and Sam got me My so called life for my birthday so we have watched an ep of that, hopefully will watch more when we finish dexter.

My otome has a prequel coming out. Today! Seems to be a straight to dvd release though and is fairly short. But I am hoping it gets a sub soon. Can't wait to watch, and I now have my otome zwei *bounces* I love the my hime/my otome worlds.

I have been very good since my bday in challenging myself to try new foods, and old foods that I thought I didn't like. Tried vinegar again when we had tapas the other day. It was ok, i didn't recoil from the taste, but i still don't like the smell. Tried liqourice but urgh still hate it.

Wow longer post than I thought and full of much geekyness yay *bounce*

Much love to all



awww hiro/ando ship

fan boy3, manga, anime, dexter, my so-called life, kliovance, menopause, deadlands, death note, my otome, rpg, mai-hime, mental health, eating, work, comics

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