May 20, 2007 00:20
It rocks like rocks rocking around.
Me and Sam decided to watch more of the anime series we are in the middle of (I will list those at the bottom of the post) and decided on Mai Hime as it's fairly fresh in our minds and was easily accessable, we were on ep 9ish now on ep 15 and OMFG it has gone from being ok to being like woah and wow.
It's just awesome, the music is beautiful and everything is starting to come together and it's sad and its brilliant and it's ooooo I wanna watch more but have to be up early so need to sleep. Eeeeepppppp I am sooo getting Sam to watch more tomorrow eve. 26 eps in the series, wonder if we can finish it tomorrow. Am also reviewing it as we go so there will be a synopsis etc up asa I finish watching. Wahey, weee, yay ladida *booom*
*giggles madly* I'm not manic youre manic :-p
In the middle of watching
Fate/Stay Night
Fullmetal Alchemist
Trinity Blood
Babylon 5
Dark Angel
Hellsing Ultimate
Wahey, lots of stuff to watch, ok bouncing to bed (well lying down cos I;m already in bed) and maybe see if I can sleep. yay why aren;t there more hours in the day, need to watch and read and watch and squeee. People you must watch Mai-Hime so I can squeee
Disclaimer: Mai Hime may be bad and I'm just squeeeing cos I;m manic *giggles*
watch list,