more memeage

Jan 22, 2009 02:31

 well figured I'd do this before bed

1. What's on your mind?
Sorting out this house for tomorrow, getting masters app sent off and sorting out stuff for London next weekend

2. Where is your significant other?
sleeping upstairs

3. Where is your mother right now?
At home in Walthamstow as far as I know

4. Have you ever made out in a basement?
No never had a basement

5. Do you have any piercings?
one set of earrings

6. Do you have any tattoos?
nope still none

7. Is your driveway steep?
no its fairly flat

8. Name four things you did today?
moved boxes
read merlin/arthur fic
went to work

9. Have you ever been tied up?

10. Last person you texted?

11. Have you ever had two dates in one night?
no, never really had any 'dates'

12. What have you eaten today?
1/2 lb cheese burger with onion rings, oh and a bite of rocky road. wow thats not alot

13. Which shoe do you put on first?
varies, think my right mostly, depends if i am changing shoes, if I am then my left i think

14. What is the status of you and the last person you kissed?
Status? partners (urgh I hate that word)

15. Do you get distracted easily?
lately yes, my concentration is shot

16. What's the last text you received say and who was it from?
Kay talking about next weekend in London

17. First time you kissed the last person you kissed?
oh god. very sleepily 5 years ago this easter? (pls tell me that's right sam?)

18. What was your childhood nickname?
dan, danny boy, dangerous dan, dangling dan

19. What would you change about your life right now?
No SAD, bipolar I can deal with, SAD is just a bitch

20. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
as long as the groping isn't too obvious and clothes stay in place its fine. Holding hands and snuggling should be encouraged. Eating each other's face should be done in private though, if done at all.

21. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving?
not really done anything weird

22. Have you ever bitten your nails?
yep, mainly when they are snagging things though

23. Do you live alone?
Nope, I have Sam and my kitties

24. Do you like someone right now?
Like lots of people, Love lots of people, Love one person in a totally different way though :-D

25. Can you keep a secret?
I like to think so

26. What was the best year of your life?
2008 so far, hope to build on that

27. Do you have any strange phobias?
don;t like lifts, probably others but can't think of them

28. Your favourite romantic movie is?

29. Are you happy with your living arrangement?
Yup my house is great. Will be sad when we move.

30. Have you ever played Twister?
Yep, even played it on a bouncey castle :-D

31. Last thing received in the mail?
Letter from New Scientist asking me to renew subscription

32. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a J?
Is it bad that I don't know the answer to this????

33. Do you have trust issues?
Not really

34. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
Yep :-D

35. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
Not any more, unless its just before I recycle it.

36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

37. Are you a cuddler?
with the right people I can be

38. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them?
not hated, found annoying on the surface yes.

39. What was the last advice you gave someone?
Go with what you feel is right

40. What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
don;t have words going through my head when I am kissing, they are kind of distracting. Last kiss was quick though so prob a feeling of being loved as was having a shit day

41. Have you ever hurt anyone when you were mad?
Think sam has been on the end of a flying hand when i forgot to pull my punch, but thats not really mad. Most anger is taken out on me. Have I ever hurt myself when I was mad? Yes lots

42. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forget, I am very very very good at blocking out all knowledge of a person if I feel the need, unfortunatly I don't get to choose

43. Do you give out second chances too easily?

45. Do you have a best friend?
yes more than one

46. Do you trust people easily?
I am very open. Trust them with my life and feelings comes a bit later.

47. Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Have been for nearly 3 years now. One day he will make an honest woman of me lol

48. Ever make plans and break them?

49. Ever kissed in the rain?
Don't know so probably not

50. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you talk to 24/7?
Well I did have but he is my boyfriend now, still talk to him a lot

51. Have you ever had a dream about people you love dying?
Used to be a reoccuring dream when I was younger. Not so often now.

52. Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?

53. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
I think so. Have certainly undressed and redressed in a car but that may have just been due to heat

54. Are you open with your feelings to people?
I have a fairly good mask

55. Favorite song?
at the moment dido - don't believe in love and dido - the day before the day

56. What's your favorite thing your mum makes for dinner?
stewed chicken, soup, roast lamb and roti


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