survey as promised

Jul 12, 2004 21:54

Describe what you live for in 4 words? Friends, Family, Love, Music

What do you desire most? unsure

Whats your fav. food? Possibly Spagetti

Do you believe in god? not God, as such.

Whats the worst name you've ever been called? I'm sure I've mentally blocked it.

Is your reputation who you really are? I don't know what my reputation is.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Work in Music, though if a Cowboy is on offer.

What age do you want to marry at? 25-30

What will your kids names be? I've planned out full names now, theres Elijah something, Eowyn something, Keira something. I'm quite unsure on some now it seems.

What city/town do you want to live in when you grow up? Manchester would be cool.

What type of house do you want to live in when you grow up? hopefully quite old, history to it.

Whats your fav.season? winter

Whats your favorite holiday? christmas

What do you think about valentines day? I don't really care for it.

Whats your favorite day of the week? Saturday

How would you desribe your style? my own?

Do you think of the future often? sure


I see: monitor, Lord of the Rings Oscar newspaper cutting, photos of friends, ornage juice carton, desk.

I need: a neck massage.

I find: my neck hurts.

I want: to play Pool.

I have: a towel on my shoulder.

I wish: many things.

I love: Custard Creams.

I hate: discrimation etc.

I miss: University

I fear: things I fear.

I hear: TV

I smell: nothing inparticular

I crave: a neck massage

I search: for Keira Knightley photos.

I wonder: many things again.

I regret: things I've said, I've done, things I can't control.

When was the last time you ...

Smiled? sometime today.

Laughed? sometime today also.

Cried? While ago now.

Bought something? While in London.

Danced? Can't remember.

Were sarcastic? Today, no doubt.

Kissed someone? Ageeees ago.

Talked to an ex? Few weeks ago.

Watched your favorite movie? Few months ago.

Had a nightmare? Can't remember.

A Last time for everything.......

Last book you read: 1984 - George Orwell

Last movie you saw: Shawshank Redemption

Last song you heard: Reindeer Section - You Are My Joy

Last thing you had to drink: Tea

Last time you showered: Bathed 20 minutes ago.

Last thing you ate: Pizza

Do You...

Smoke? No

Do drugs? No

Have sex? Not at the moment.

Sleep with stuffed animals? Nope

Live in the moment? Not really.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No

Have a dream that keeps coming back? Yeah

Play an instrument? As well as I can, Guitar, electric. Les Paul showcase edition. Mmmmm.

Believe there is life on other planets? Yes.

Remember your first love? No, it was probably a cuddly toy.

Still love him/her? /

Read the newspaper? Yeah

Have any gay or lesbian friends? Lots

Believe in miracles? Some

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yeah

Consider yourself tolerant of others? Yup

Consider love a mistake? No

Like the taste of alcohol? Yeah

Have a favorite candy? Yup, Fizzy Cola Bottles

Believe in astrology? Depends

Believe in magic? Depends again.

Pray? No

Go to church? No

Have any secrets? Doesn't Everyone?

Have any pets? Yes

Do well in school? I'm Uni Boy now.

Go to or plan to go to college? Go to Uni

Have a major? Degree? Working on it.

Talk to strangers who instant message you? Sure

Wear hats? I don't suit hats, except cowboy hats.

Have any piercings? No

Have any tattoos? No

Hate yourself? At times

Have an obsession? Some

Collect anything? Cinema Tickets? Gig Tickets?

Have a best friend? Yeah

Wish on stars? Have done before

Like your handwriting? No, It's crap/

Have any bad habits? Of course I do.

Care about looks? Sometimes, not in a huge way.

Believe in witches? traditional witches? No, modern day yeah.

Believe in Satan? Not Satan

Believe in ghosts? Kinda
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