Long Overdue Notes About The Election

Dec 03, 2012 19:59

Okay, I was wrong about Obama being a one term president but I think this could be the best thing for the party. Bear with me, this generation didn't see the disaster that was Carter and now they'll see it first hand and this time Obama doesn't need to worry about re-election so he'll go full reta*cough**ahem*liberal and all the college indoctrination in the world won't change what people see with their own eyes, this spoiled generation will suffer and while some will still cling to their trite pseudomarxist teachings they will ultimately learn some very tough, very necessary lessons.

Now maybe the GOP will put forward someone who's actually conservative instead of the milquetoast mess who can't even comprehend our values. Let us see someone who can actually enunciate conservative values.

The only lasting issue will likely be Obamacare which will never likely be repealed.
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