Aug 12, 2010 09:40
Last night I overhead Jon Stewart asking how the deficit could be resolved without repealing the Bush tax cuts.
Goddammit, libs are retarded. Oh, I don't know Jon maybe by CUTTING SPENDING. Another thought, is it so hard to contemplate basic Pavlovian psychology. Even if we remove the tax cuts there's no reason to believe that it will help because businesses will fire more employees and stop investing raising unemployment and thus the taxes collected. You hear that, Jon, taxes are a disincentive to work and thus lower the amount of income tax acquired over the long run.
You know what the worst part is, liberals always advocate tax credits as fair to the lower classes.
Bullshit. Complete absolute bullshit.
Here is a question which household receives the most government aid.
A.) A husband and wife with a child, both the husband and wife work but only by the flimsiest of margins make enough to support their family.
B.) A woman with six kids who has never held a job or had a husband.
If you answered A.) congrats, you're sane but misinformed. If you answered B.) you're correct and psychologically traumatized by the impersonal cruelty of bureacracies, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Government aid does not help the lower class because the lower class have jobs and are thus ineligible for 95% of tax credits. As a matter of fact, most lower class file an EZ form or anything other than the regular 1080 (because taxes are an absurd maze of regulations) so they don't even see the tax credit portion of Income taxes.
But all of that pales in comparison to the gross misinformation and lies which have covered up a dirty little secret the Dems will never reveal- government tax credits qualify as taxable income on the next years income tax form. I have to hand it to the Dems, they know how to run a scam like no one's business: they accuse Republicans of being racists and tax cuts of being for the rich while race baiting the Tea Party and screwing over the people they pretend to be concerned about out of money hand over fist.