So I recently read through Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane 1-17, a move that totally has nothing at all to do with anyone posting it on BT. It's a fun series and I enjoyed it, and i was quite pleased to see that (at least until more recent issues) it actually took Mary Jane as the primary character and kept Peter and Spider-Man as supporting characters in her story - I mean, that's what it's sold as, but I wasn't expecting it to necessarily hold up.
However, I noticed sort of offhand that most issues don't pass the
Bechdel Test.
Now, I'm not of the feeling that media that can't pass the Bechdel Test aren't worth consuming - like I said, I enjoyed the series. But it's weird to notice that in what's more or less pushed as a girls' comic, the only issues that pass the test are the drama-club arc. At least, that's the only case I remember where the characters are talking to each other about things in their lives other than members of the opposite sex.
To be fair, though, the male characters also only talk about girls or their relationships with girls. Is there an exemption for that situation?