Aug 20, 2013 02:38
This week, I’ve been struggling with a bit of writer’s block combined with this weird thing called “Life.” Apparently, I have one and didn’t tell myself about it. So, after a visit from family, and the ensuing readjustment period to something resembling normal, I found my momentum on A Good Day more than a little stalled. I had other obligations that needed to be met. A game to run and a con to attend to support a friend. That place where I go and do stuff and get paid. The next novel in my current series to write. And all the while, ideas bubbling up in the back of my mind for other stories.
This is where the post I made the other day came back to mind: writing is a calling. I need to treat it like the profession I want it to one day be. Had to tell myself “So what if your momentum stalled? WRITE damn it!” Because really, stalled momentum is just an excuse. When I started this, I had ZERO momentum, and an uphill climb. Now, instead of a word count of zero and no freaking idea of what I’m going to do, I have character notes, the first third of the story outlined and lots of folks watching this happen. I have PLENTY of momentum. The only thing to do is just write.
And, the writer’s block died a quiet little death of malnutrition as its diet of BS slowly dwindled. I sat down and started jotting notes for the next section in the notebook, and writing became inspiration. The ideas began to flow as I wrote, and the next thing I knew, I had the first two conflict scenes mapped out. So, the cure for this particular case of writer’s block? Action. As I sat down and forced myself to tell myself the story, I overcame the lack of action.
“But what if the story sucked?” your internal editor is asking. How do I know this? Mine asked the same question. I duct taped its mouth shut and locked it in the closet. Truth is, I EXPECT it to suck. I almost demand it. What’s that? Hang on, my internal editor is trying to ask me another question.
“OW! Why do you expect it to suck? Shouldn’t you be trying to create your very best work the very first time? I mean, look at how many people are following this page. Aren’t you afraid you’ll set a bad example?”
An excellent question. I expect it to suck because it’s a rough draft. It’s supposed to be flawed. This is the stage where I take chances, try stupid shit and go out on a limb. This is the place where I’m ALLOWED to write badly. Now, back in the closet with you.
Okay, so, yes. This next part might be complete and total crap. It might shine like no one’s business. But until I open that creative vein and let it bleed out onto the page, I have no way of knowing! Here’s the thing: No one sees this part! (Most of the time). I can write this part and decide I don’t like it and completely rewrite it after the first draft is done. And no one else knows. During the outline and rough draft phase, you have total autonomy and immunity from judgment. Take advantage of that. I am. So, now back to my regularly scheduled writing.
work in progress,
a writer's journey,
thoughts along the way,
writer's block,
author secrets