Page of Swords update

Mar 07, 2012 11:52

Yesterday, I put over 5,000 words to page, in spite of the best efforts of the new Angry Birds app on FB to distract me from finishing Page of Swords. Chance is seconds away from the climactic scene, but I had to stop so I could pick it up and write straight through the whole thing uninterrupted. Today is going to be a very LOOOOOOONG day at work. Total word count is just over 85,000. Some is always lost during edits, but I'm hoping to get this one in a little under 100k by the time all is said and done. It's looking like I'll have the first draft of Page of Swords finished before the end of March!

If you haven't bought the first book in the Demon's Apprentice series, go to my website to read the first chapter, and buy it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Smashwords.
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