Mar 01, 2004 20:54
*scrambles to the keyboard*
Well today was the bio-research trip to San Pedro harbor to go [20 miles] into the ocean and catch fish and shit, and record data. Thank god i took pills, cuz that bitch was rockin' side to side like a mo'fo. Actually, it was funner than I had expected. It was a lot easier and more chill than the damselfly trip because there was less work involved, it was easier, and you didn't have to move around a lot [and throwing the fish off the boat and watching the sea gulls eat them was fun]. The front of the boat was the best, the air was kick ass, the boat moved a lot over there but it was fun and i didn't get sick at all... Becca, Claire, and I sat there at the front of the boat, covered in a jacket and a towel trying to get warm... it was fun. Got a few pictures, i'll edit this post either tonight or tomorrow and add them. At the front of the boat, Tiffany, Becca, and I did the titanic thing... we weren't going fast enough so it wasn't as cool but it was still fun. Just as I had feared, they caught an eel-like thing and [again, just as i had feared] becca scared the shit outta me with it.. those things are fucking gross. Interesting things that we caught were a: poisonous fish, sting ray, flat fish, halibut, plankton [different types], saw some sea lions [quite a bit of em actually], nasty ass lobster, big ass spider crab kinda thing, and a few more that I can't recall at the moment. Toward the end of the trip I had nothing left to do so I sorta fell asleep on becca's lap... BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!
For the entire horrifically long bus ride home, she slept on my lap, and i still can't feel my leg. Yup, I slept a bit too.. ON THE FUCK WINDOW! i couldn't even lie down cuz she was on my lap and i didnt wanna wake her up... damn you becca, if you're reading this *shakes fist in the air*.
Well other than that all was fine, i'm feelin fine now 'cept my nose is stuffy but thas' abt it.
~Ben la La