I want your skull!

Feb 20, 2004 18:42

As you can see, there is a new background. To put all things aside, I would like to say one thing about this, HE IS NOT GOING TO EAT THE CHICKEN'S HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!! although it does seem that way. This is Wednesday 13, singer of the Murderdolls and The Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13. Anyway, today was blah, not bad, nothing special. Had 2 tests *feelz dizzy*!!!!!! Debberz is comin over later on, gunna rent Halloween... yayyyyyy death! "Sweet lovely death, I am waiting for your breath."
Im excited, we're one day closer to the release of "The Thirteen Dead Kids" which is Wednesdays new merchandise line... woot!!! Actually, he writes a column for Metal Hammer every month, and I wanted to share his entry in the May '03 issue.

May 2003

Murderdolls' Wednesday 13 on how being a geek is actually cool…

I've met a lot of people since the Murderdolls began, Every type of person you can think of-Goths, punks, straightedge, Christians, Satanists, country, retard, yellow, black, every kind of weirdo possible, and yes me and my band are included on that list as well!

The interesting thing is each has a different view on certain things and that's what makes us individuals. So let me discuss what pisses me off about some of these people and the way they think.
First off, I don't believe people are born cool, we all were dorks and nerds at some point, some of us progressed and some didn't (me). I hate that a lot of people (particularly musicians) don't have the courage to admit where they came from or what they used to be into, or just admit they like something regardless of how mainstream it is. I have always made it a point to be honest and not deny the things I was into and grew up on. I bought a lot of records that were shit and I bought a lot that were fucking great. So what if I exceeded the limits of buying every hair metal band that got a record deal from the time I was 13 'til I was 18.

I won't expose you, you know who you are, but just be aware that there are people out there that your are not as cool as you claim to be. Basically I'm saying it's okay to grow up and learn about music on your own. Everything you are into does not have to be approved by the general public, nor should you be looked down on for being into something at one point in your life, just don't deny it. My band is associated with the darker, gothic, punk audience, but I didn't come out of my mother wearing black lipstick, dreadlocks, and a lip ring. I lived and learned and finally became what I am today. I went to elementary school with a blonde bowl haircut obsessed with GI Joe and Rambo, then I went to middle school with blonde hair and a Twisted Sister logo drawn on my jean jacket. I got the shit kicked out of me from time to time and took a lot of shit for what I was into. I dyed my hair black in the tenth grade because of Alice Cooper, W.A.S.P. and bands like LA Guns. Oh no, did I admit that? Am I not cool now?
Murderdolls were on Dawson's Creek, oh no we sold out. Did we? The word "sellout" is used quite a bit these days. The way certain people claim that others have sold out, really brings up an argument. Just because a band gets popular does not mean that they sold out. I was in an unknown band for seven years. I've been accused of selling out by leaving my band to start this one. I've been accused of stealing my own songs-go figure that one out. Here is my clever anti-selling out plan you should all try. If it's popular don't buy it, that goes for food, soda whatever. Don't drink Coke or Pepsi because they sold out, buy a generic Cola instead. Don't go to McDonald's, buy a hamburger from an underground street vendor. Wait a minute, I'm selling out by using this computer and e-mailing it to the Hammer offices, the Internet is too popular. I think I'll just mail it by the post office. Oh no I can't do that, that's popular too, everyone uses mail. Maybe I'll just fly to the UK and hand deliver it, but I'll have to fly on an underground airline because US AIR would be selling out. If the pilot is a punk rocker I'll make sure he likes the real punk rock bands and not Blink 182 and Greenday because they are too commercially accepted and that would be selling out.

Sound stupid? Well that's just popular opinion put in print. The whole world's stupid, and now you are just a bit more stupid having read this.

~Okay fuckers, stay sick, Im going to the bathroom or something productive like that.

Yours Cruely,
Ben La La
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