Jun 25, 2005 13:57
Last night, I went to bed about 5:30 AM. I fell asleep shortly after and had the strangest ass dream... And I swear it has to have some sort of meaning behind it..
Me, and my friends were at some sort of resort like place.. but it was at the same time, like a carnival. We just happened to arrive while they were remodelling some areas, but we were still allowed in.. I'll never forget this. Me and Lisa, my best "girl" friend, were walking down a hall to a resturaunt like place, and suddely door falls over, some woman steps out, obviously working on the place.. And she goes "oops.. I'm so sorry, you can step on through though.." we watched, she walked past us down the hall to a large fishtank in the center of some room just before the halls entrance, she looked at us. "You like the fish..? You know, sometimes I wonder why I bought them, with all the remodelling, I'm scared they'll get destroyed.." It was so odd..
The dream skips alot, and this is where it skips. I was in some sort of OTHER resturaunt, but with ANOTHER friend, Dwayne.. I remember it pretty clearly.. The guy over the counter was sort of smug, and really..angry looking. We'd order food and he'd give us smart remarks and cringe at us.. Bruce had come in late, which for some reason in all my dreams he ALWAYS comes in late.. and he sat down. The next thing I know, bruce and the "cook" I guess you'd call him, are "arm wrestling"?? over the counter over something.. I woke up shortly after. I have no idea what it means..
Keep you posted...