Apr 10, 2007 01:11
Under a false facade of smiles and small things lays yet another monster found only in the deepest depths of a human soul. This monster, the greatest of all monsters large and small visible and invisible, cannot be found under normal conditions under which any other monsters of any kind might be found. This monster can only be found in the dying breaths of an infant drowned in the juice of crushed watermellon seeds set to freeze for three months and thawed under the full moon, at which point a priest of the forest appears to bless said juice in preparation for said event. This monster will then escape into the world, a veritable pandora's box of hatred and vile thoughts and actions. Thus from the vilest of deeds and proper preparation is the inquitious beast of child-spawned death-throes arisen and immortal until the end of time.
Thus I was born and shall live for the rest of eternity wreaking havoc and destruction upon all I might lay my hands on.