New computer!

Nov 15, 2004 22:10

New computer, buttfaces! iMac PowerPC G5 with 768 RAM and 1.8 processors! It runs grrrreat! I'm a nerd!

Black Fag is releasing a new underground CD. Pick up a copy from your local Black Fags, Ben or Nick.

Life has been ok for me. Some people hate me, and I've brought that upon myself. I just can't deal with it all. Whew. Anyways - go to YESSS!!!!

P.S. dont be turned off by the song titles. The songs are actually, seriously, really good. Download Angry Aryans' "Browntown Burning Down". It's hilarious - and excellent hardcore. It's off the album "Too White For You" (or "2yt4u"). Get it!
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