Just briefly, I mentioned in the previous post that I've been sidetracked.
I just thought I'd explain...it's all very simple, and can be done in a short list.
1. Crackdown. I like it, online 'co-op' is cool, but co-op isn't really the word, as you don't really have to even do things together. It's simply fun.
2. Worms. Best Live Arcade game there is so far. Four-way in-house multiplayer deathmatch with custom teams is awesome. My team: Young Ones. Rick, Mike, Neil, Vyvyan. On Live its also flawless, no lag or dropouts, and custom teams are allowed, but censored for rude names. Rick used to be called pRick, I changed it after being censored. (University Challenge episode)
3. CSI. Anna's bought a few boxsets, and discovered the library rent them out, so we've been watching a lot of it.
4. Work. Been doing slightly more hours than normal, but I don't care as I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying having my own shop, and the staff are cool and I'm selling PS3's (want one? I'll hook you up) (thought not) and we're getting competitive which is nice to see.
5. That's it I think.
Props to Hot Fuzz for being cool. Not sure they had to big up Bad Boys 2 and Point Break SO MUCH, but it was cool. And Jon Spencer did the ending song, which was cool to see. Pan's Labyrinth is on DVD now, go pick up the 2-disc (12.99, bargain), watch it and enjoy it. I'm going through the 'yes-it's-subtitled-just-watch-it-its-really-good' thing at work, which is a bit draining (as some of you know).
Ok I gotta wash up, but be cool. And there's more Malta stories to come. Like the Bored Fisherman, and the Thunderstorm marathon, and the suicidal dog, and the really old caves and temples, and more.
Oh and check out
Pink Ninja Studios for some cool Pod/Net-casts (or whatever they're called nowadays), there are a few different ones, all are interesting in their own right.