Title : When You Said You Love Me - Ch 4 Genre : Romance,Shonen-ai Rating : PG-13 Pairing : TegoPi Summary : Ryo's crush to... Beta-ed by :
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XXXDDDDDDD he is!he is! yes,it's like a half-computer-half-mobile you are exited and that makes me happy ^^ ILU too <3 thanks for reading and commenting <3
uwah!you replied so fast XD no,it's Ok.. i only knew about that coz i have that kind of cellphone ^^ *hugs you back* you're not late,there is no a word like 'late' if you still comment on the fics ^^
ooh.. actually it's a sample from my mom's business partner, so i got it free XDDD *can't breathe because of you tight hugs XD* yeah,even if you comment 1 year later,as long as I still be able to logg in,there's no late XD
ahahahaha XD huk,huk. uwah..i envy that there are so many filipino JE fangirls.. I can't find any in Singapore!! I'm from Indonesia but now studying in S'pore..^^
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he is!he is!
yes,it's like a half-computer-half-mobile
you are exited and that makes me happy ^^
ILU too <3
thanks for reading and commenting <3
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no,it's Ok..
i only knew about that coz i have that kind of cellphone ^^
*hugs you back*
you're not late,there is no a word like 'late'
if you still comment on the fics ^^
(The comment has been removed)
actually it's a sample from my mom's business partner,
so i got it free XDDD
*can't breathe because of you tight hugs XD*
yeah,even if you comment 1 year later,as long as I still be able to
logg in,there's no late XD
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*catching my breath*
where are you from btw??
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uwah..i envy that there are so many filipino JE fangirls..
I can't find any in Singapore!!
I'm from Indonesia but now studying in S'pore..^^
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