Jul 02, 2005 20:47
Stupid Mosquitos.
You'd think the cigarette smoke from roughly a million people may have kept them away. But no.
We did our thing on the roof top patio. We didn't win. Ah well.
I didn't realise how smelly smoking was until yesterday. It didn't bother me near as much when I smoked but damn. Smelly. Not to say I wouldn't have slaughtered for one.
We went to Banff today. Jenny got invited to something, so the guys and I decided to head up. It was crawling with tourists. Ugh. Apparently none of us can paralell park, so we had to drive around forever and stalk pedestrians till we got an empty spot.
I remember going up with Billy and busking with him. That was fun. But then he auditioned for this thing and he's suddenly the King of No Fun Anymore. Dude, Snow White: The Rock Opera? Really? Dude.
Um. That's it.
Happy fucken Canada Day yo!