Aug 22, 2004 16:28
Thursday came and Captain kain drove me to bowling where we were meet by Vice Captain Clint and Andrew. Sow e bowled and won tow out of three games, good effort boyz. But this team for once was actually good...YES! I said it, they are a good team. This team consist of 4 very interesting but nice individuals. They are 1) SCI FI WOMEN - This middle age women kain and I are always talking to about every sci fi, form star wars to star trek and stargate!
2) APE MAN - The member of the team that is so hairy he is an ape. Yes an ape, ape, APEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! and no he aint and yes ive ckecked :P.
3) CONNEX MAN - This guy rocks. his a really nice and cool guy and his a train driver. We are always talking to him about connex traisn and the train lines and the new plans for train lines.
4) TONY - This member of the team is fucking dumb. And i mean really fucken dumb. Nice but dumb. You see our friend Tony here thought that babies came out of the mothers ass! Yes thats right! and no im not kidding! And his 30 years of age! Yeah thats right, thinx about it!
And between you and me I dont think he evefr went through puberty, lol :P
After bowling Captain Kain, Vice Captain Clint and rookie Ben went to cambilfield maccas. There we had an indebth discussion about POO and the POO WARS. When a young boy opens the toliet and finds all the water drained and a big tall poo standing there. The poo smiles and ghies HEHEHEHEHEH! Then shoots up into air and a whole fleet craps takes on JIFF troops in the battle of the Bathroom. But JIFF has his ally DUCK who sores thorugh the sky and dops cleaner on the poo. But the poos are to strong and overpower the combined forces of JIFF and DUCK! The interesting aspect about the poos is they shoot poo out at there opponents who then get stuck to the ground. Then Poo inters there veins and before you know it crap shoots out form there eys, noise, mouth and ears. But it doesnt stop there for the batlle is ended by the silent fart. ( For those of you who dont know poologly taht well, lol, silent farts are the most deadlist, like the nuclear bomb of farts. )
And then a small poo falls form the sky. All look up and here the screahing sound...THE SILENT FART! JIFF troops run for there lives and DUCK ships quack! but its to late, thr bomb hits the poo explosion kills all, truning it victims into dog shit.
So concludes the poo story BATTLE OF THE BATHROOM BY KAIN, CLINT and BEN.
As usual bowling rocked and we had heaps of fun!
Hope you all liekd this Lj even though it is a bit far fetched!
Stay tuned for next week when Striking Back face...................FAMILY TIES! and this winter....ALAN!