I thought this would be a fun little thing to do before Sunday...
Top 5 Murders on the Sopranos
5.) Tony Shoots Matt Bevilaqua in the head - Season 2 - "You like your Diet Soda? Cuz that sugarless mother fucker is the last fucking drink you're ever gonna have," may be the coolest quote ever uttered before a mob killing.
4.) Chris and/or Tony hire
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I apologize for this response being three months late but I have been elsewhere in my mind and haven't seen your post. I see that you have five quality murders from The Sopranos - all good murders. But I wouldn't go as far as saying they were the best or top 5. They are all murders of high profile people within the show and I think they get too much credit for being murdered just because they were high profile. For instance, let's take the Dino Zerilli murder - classic! He got it from Chrissy point blank in the dome piece because he shot at made men. He got left for dead by his chroney, Jackie, too which makes it seem like his life wasn't worth saving anyway. Too bad. Another one was crystal meth fiend Brendan Filone who because he and Chrissy couldn't follow orders ends up being killed by Junior through the hands of Mikey Palmice. OH! and the Mikey Palmice murder was classic too! Running through the woods was Chrissy and Paulie tryna murder this guy. Chris and Paulie enjoy running through woods tryna kill people - where'd that Russian go off to? Anyway, your murders are pretty good murders don't get me wrong, but I think the other murder of foil characters (did I use that literary term correctly, journalism major?)in the show make it better. Just my opinion...
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