May 03, 2006 14:11
So I finally decided that Fourth and Fucking Madison needs to get their fucking shit together...this fucking drama shit if fucking gay as Brokeback Mountin. This drama shit is fucking with my life and the fucking band that suppose to be my family is waisting to much fucking time. We have had one practice sense our show at the VFW April 15th and it was not even a true practice because people were crying, people were yelling, people were throughing shit, and people were pissed....this shit needs to come to an end....After practice all the drama from practice carried over to the blue once again people were crying, people were yelling, and people were pissed......So today I told Mandi that I am going over to get my shit tonight from her house so I can at least get some work done....I am taking the P.A. system, my cab, guitars, and my drum Rock the fuck on bitches..............word to your mother....and Brokeback Mountin is a gay movie..god I am funny...i wish i knew how to quit you.... I am out...FUCK