DragonLance Quizzes

Aug 14, 2008 02:04

Your result for Which DragonLance Character Are You?...

The Plainsman

Strong, quiet, and extremely loyal, you're Riverwind.

Take Which DragonLance Character Are You? at HelloQuizzy

Your result for DragonLance: Do You Wear White, Red, or Black?...
White Robe

You're a mage of Solinari!

Congratulations! You're a mage of Solinari! You put others before yourself and strive to make the world a better place for everyone. You use your magic to serve others, and to promote peace and understanding. Though you abhor violence, you're brave and unafraid to stand up for what you believe in. People might accuse you of being too idealistic, but you disagree with that sentiment and continue to devoutly believe that, with enough effort, you can change the world for the better. Go you. =)

Noteworthy White Robes in DragonLance include Palin Majere, Par-Salian, Coryn Brinefolk, and Dunbar Mastermate.

Take DragonLance: Do You Wear White, Red, or Black? at HelloQuizzy

d&d, meme

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