fiona's [my niece's] 2nd birthday party was today.
it was lots of fun, she's the most adorable thing ever, plus we went on an
fiona opened presents
getting ready for some cake.
i even got to see jenna which was great, we haven't kicked it since before i went to san francisco.
the huge balloon fight
it got pretty ugly, lmao. i'll get krys to upload the video later.
they are such children!
after that we went out front and climbed the fence next to krystelle's house. it's basically abandoned land next to the L.A. river [usuing the term river loosely].
we climbed this hill and squeezed through this gate [where billy cut himself on the barbed wire!] and ended up here.
then wandered towards the first tree,
which was a pretty creepy place to be. yes, that is a shoe. and yes, that is a headless babydoll hanging from the tree.
they made a shrine to the baby.
creepy creepy creepy
she was totally stalking us.
probably worried about our dumb asses lmao.
more exploration. we kept finding shoes, in all states of disarray... it was totally creeping us out
we found the corn of doom! look away!
yes, john is about to pick my nose.
we found a pile of cacti... and what looked to be chunks of flooring. it was so weird. john threatened to dive in. i almost killed him.
it was when we foudnt he second stack of cacti in a garbage bag [lookign a lot liek a half buried body {shivers} i watch way too much csi], that we started to feel liek we wer ein some horror movie. john and billy were poking the bag with sticks and i was telling them to knock it off, which also made us feel liek we wer ein a horror film. i was the black girl that tells them to knock it off, aka the first one to die.
then we saw this rainbow thing in the sky and i had to run like 10 feet and climb a hill just to get this pic. so worth it.
back on the trail we found animal prints... that i found just a bit too large for comfort. all three of us were freaked out by it, and it just made us feel more like we were the idiots in a movie like "ooh animal prints, ooh random shoes, this could be related. let's follow the tracks and hope we don't get eaten!!"
by this point i felt like we were finding evidence and taking pics on CSI. [i have a csi addiction, i know]
obviously the killer had been to Von's recently.
and drives a ford.
and left a hot tub behind, lmao.
i've found a lot of random abandoned shit, but seriously, a hot tub?!
me and john went for a dip.
after which we found a legless headless deer toy. and got freaked out by a rabbit. then i screamed cuz i saw this huge bug and thought it was a poisonous spider... it was so wrong. billy and john and greg/susan/rob were laughing so hard. then we found the open pathway to the rive, which we had been looking for. so we went up and it was pretty cool.
that slope is steep and i was yellign at them to slow down but they wouldn't so i took pics in case they died and the police asked what happened.
me billy and the deer.
me and john
i was tryign to protect john from billy.
billy gave me a surprise hump to the back of my head lol.
then he gave john surprise sex. the best kind. :D!
yea, matrix.
that was just a cool pic.
they were just doing these things to make me worried. {sigh} it worked.
it worked very well.
lol i missed but he's so cute.
the deer got caught going back over the fence.
lmao tranny hooker tracie is so much more fun.