A True Fairytale (5/?)

Dec 16, 2010 14:17

A/N : Aigoo~~ my bad... haven't updated for many days. Need to take care of a lot of things, sorry. Anyway, enjoy. ^^


Donghae looked up to the sky. The rain was going to invade earth again. he love the rain. It soothes the soul, and once it’s over, it lifts the dirts that covered the earth before, giving human a new face of home. A new canvas to be paint again.

It has been two days since he split up with his prince to work out their plan. Donghae was somehow worried. What if the prince failed to find the cure for their condition? What if they failed to prove that they are originally human? What if the stupid princess and her father thought that at last they was deceived by a talking toad that demands a lot of things from them?

Donghae never wanted to know the result of the ‘what if’. He wanted an answer, a definite solution. He was a human and he wanted to be human once again. He need to tell Hyukjae the words that he had been keeping inside his heart, the words that he thought were enough showed without being said.

Donghae was worried, too worried, that finally, he began to roam around the castle, looking for his missing prince.


The sound of a man humming happily penetrated his long ears, and Kyuhyun pulled them to the front, showing his disapproval of the man’s voice. Sungmin chuckled. He was trying hard not to touch the fluffy thing in front of him, and he did. But sometimes Kyuhyun can be so adorable that he thought this bunny was more dangerous than any normal human being.

“By the way, Kyunnie,”

Kyunnie? Who’s that?

“Yeah?” Kyuhyun turned around and hop backward, moving along the cold, damp pavement and facing the prince at the same time. Sungmin gritted his teeth hard, trying not to squeeze the bunny in front of him and get them both killed.

“You still didn't tell me why you need to see Leeteuk? Does your habitat in danger? Are you living in the forest where my father goes for hunting?”

Forest? Now what the hell is he talking about?

Kyuhyun stopped and sighed. Sungmin really thought that he was a rabbit. And he just realized about it. he still didn't tell Sungmin anything about the curse or the wicked witch that ruined his life. He sighed again.

“Your Highness,”

“Uhum?” Sungmin squatted in front of him, fisting both his hands and put it under his chin, holding up his head. His eyes were shimmering, as innocent as Kyuhyun saw it since the first time they met a few days ago. Again, Kyuhyun awed silently.

“I’m not actually a rabbit. I’m a human.”

Sungmin’s beautifully curved pair of lips opened slowly, and a gasped was heard. Kyuhyun knew this would happen. His whiskers moved on their own. Maybe it’s a sign of him pissed by the fate.

So then as they walked inside the what that seemed like a never ending tunnel, he told Sungmin about how he was transformed into the bunny that he know right now. Yet he wasn’t telling the truth. Well, not all of them.


Sorry Donghae

“...the servant of the Crown Prince of Halle.”


Sungmin wanted to believe, but hell, who would trust the words that came from a talking bunny. Or was it because the words were spoken by a talking bunny that he need to believe? Yet he didn't dare say his suspicion to Kyuhyun, because to him, no matter what, or whoever that was hoping for something in his life should not be discourage. At least until the point that he managed to prove himself.

“Well, let just hope that it won't be too late for me to believe him until then.”

After what took like forever, they reached the door to the room where Sungmin’s favourite wizard were staying and doing his research. Kyuhyun snickered as he saw the door; it was muddy due to the dampness of the hallway, and some of the nails were poking out from their original place, ready to fall whenever someone slammed the door harshly. Kyuhyun bet the door wouldn’t last until tomorrow morning.

“Well actually, bunny, this door has been here since before your father married your mother and had you. It was even much older than that.” Kyuhyun gasped. As soon as he turned around, Sungmin was already in an embrace of someone skinny who wore a black mantel outside of his clothes, and a long, crooked black hat on his head.

“Ah my prince! Who brought you here? You are not allowed to leave the castle!”

Kyuhyun didn't know why, but he was slightly pissed when the weird-looking guy hugged the weak prince and smirked at him, like he was saying ‘I can hug him, you can't’. Sungmin then cleared his throat and shoved the weird guy away, brows furrowed.

“Ehm, Teukie hyung, this is Kyunnie.”

Who the hell that you called Kyunnie, MINNIE??

“I know. I heard it when you guys were on your way here. Kyuhyun, right?”

“Yeah. And you?”

The skinny man smirked, and lifted the bunny from the floor, followed by Sungmin’s jealous eyes.

‘Ah I want to hold him like that too.’

“I’m this little prince’s beloved wizard, Leeteuk. Oh don't mind about the change of your name, the prince really love to call people he likes with cute nicknames.”

Kyuhyun moved his front legs furiously as the wizard tried to kiss his nose. Leeteuk groaned as his face was scratched, and held the bunny away from his face, annoyed. He could guess that the bunny was annoyed with him too.

Do not treat me like a thing

Like I care to treat you at all

The young prince wasn’t able to know what the wizard and the bunny was talking about, well they seemed to be talking since Leeteuk can read people’s mind, but he knew they weren’t being nice to each other.

Or maybe that was the way a wizard and a cursed human would interact, he tried to think positively.


“I’ll help you. I will stay here until you get a nice job, and a good house.” Siwon offered, yet Hyukjae smiled and patted his shoulders. “It’s okay Siwon-ah, I can manage all this by myself.”

The tall guy pouted, yet he wasn’t as cute as Donghae, Hyukjae thought. Siwon is sure a nice guy who would never let his friend alone. And somehow he felt miserable for blaming Siwon of Donghae’s death. “Well at least let me stay until you get a job. I don't have any job either, not until the army call me again.”

Hyukjae gave it a thought for a while, then nodded. Siwon hugged him tight, but then released him when he suddenly remembered about Hyukjae’s baby. He then bowed and put his ear near the now slightly bigger belly, whispering something that Hyukjae couldn’t hear;

“I’ll be your new daddy, baby.”

Innocently, Hyukjae rubbed his tummy, and hummed a lullaby. A song that Donghae used to sing for him in his early years at Halle. Oh god his eyes were stinging again. Quickly, he wiped the small drops of water away from his eyes, and tried his hardest to smile. He didn't want Siwon to be worried about him anymore.

“Do you want to try to work in the castle? I mean, you won't be able to work the restaurant if you don't have money to rent a place you know? Why don't you work in the castle’s kitchen first?”

Hyukjae furrowed his brows. Well that might be a good opportunity. Maybe he’ll learn some new dishes besides that.

“Why not? Maybe my cooking style can improve.”

“Great! I’ll try to ask the people I know in there later. Don't worry, Hyukjae. I’ll always be there for you.”

Yeah, Donghae used to say that too.


Donghae sighed. Since he was probably a the only toad seen in the castle, and people knew he was a talking one, no matter where he goes, the workers all tried to catch him and listen to him speak. It was disastrous. And the worst part is, he didn't get to find his prince anywhere around the place.

Some people told him about the chamber where the little prince lived, and he went there to search for Kyuhyun, but the result was a disappointment. Not only Kyuhyun, the said prince was gone too.

“And they said he never leave the chamber most of the time... maybe this prince is actually a wild one who acted innocent and sick in front of others, who knows?”

He mumbled to himself, blaming the prince for not being there, cursing his own prince for leaving him on his own, when he passed the castle’s kitchen, croacking.

“Oh, hi Donghae! Would you like to help us?” a young chef, covered in flour smiled and asked him. He had been several times to the kitchen that almost all the workers knew him. well he’s a nice man when he’s a human after all; everyone’s favourite.

“Yeah, sure, croack. What can I do, croack?”

He felt as if he dug his own grave when the chef showed him the cooking station; it was full of big, fat, black flies. He mentally smacked himself, figuring that he was supposed to, err, catch all that with his, eww... tongue.

“Uh, well, flies are crunchy after all.”

And he was munching his eleventh fly, when his eyes caught a view of a person that he knew so well, bowing and taking a change of chef suit, smiling;

“You can call me Hyukjae. Please take care of me.”

A person that he missed all these times.


Chapter 4

pairing : kyumin, fandom : super junior, type : fanfiction, pairing : haehyuk, [series] a true fairytale

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