I don't usually quote Madonna but I just want to scream at Democrats, "Can We Get Together?"
I hate to admit it but Democrats are so polarizing within their own party. It's no secret that Republicans are better at solidarity and supporting each other. They realize they need to unite for the greater good of their party and they do it wholeheartedly.
This was proven in 2000's election when early on Republicans stood behind the Bush machine and supported him full force. Hell, even John McCain endorsed Bush after being dragged through the mud by Bush with accusations of adultery and illegitimate children. Republicans again came together en masse in 2004 when gay rights was used as a political tool. This was evidenced again this year when first Rudy Guliani and then Mitt Romney stepped down early so McCain's nomination would pretty much be a sure thing. Both Guliani and Romney endorsed McCain the moment they stepped down, realizing that McCain was the only chance their party had at clinching the oval office again.
Us Democrats? Well, we can't seem to unify and support each other no matter what's at risk. Take John Edwards for example. He didn't endorse anyone after he stepped down. And the remaining two major Democratic candidates? Well, they bicker. And back stab. And fling dirt. And bicker some more. Over the past few weeks, accusations have been flying back and forth between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. She did this and he did that. Who will you want to answer the phone at 3 am? Is it even relevant? Realistically, no President of the U.S. of A is going to answer the phone at 3-fucking-am. It'll be some advisor or assistant.
Why can't we just get along. Even Apple and PC "communicate" nowadays so why can't we? Sometimes, I feel like there is no unity whatsoever within the Democratic party.
I was very disturbed today while watching CNN. There is a poll out there stating 25% of Clinton supporters would vote for McCain just to make a statement if Obama got the Democratic nomination. That would be history repeating itself. Eight years ago, quite a few liberals voted for Ralph Nader rather than voting for Al Gore believing they were making a difference and a statement. Look what happened.
It doesn't help that for a Republican, McCain is not such a bad candidate in some Democrat's eyes. He's somewhat liberal. He's a Vietnam vet and hero. He's a long time Senator. But I do believe that we need a Democratic President in the Oval Office after eight years of idiocy.
As for me, do I support Obama or Clinton? I'm undecided. They each have their strengths and weaknesses. Honestly, I think Obama is too inexperienced and would get eaten alive by McCain in a one-on-one campaign. Yes, he is refreshing and talks about change and all that but what good is all the talk if he doesn't get elected?
I wrote on my Myspace blog about a year ago that ideally, I would want them to run together with Clinton as President and Obama as Vice President but that's not going to happen. Democrats just can't seem to get together for the greater good. (
Click here if you'd like to read my Myspace blog from last year about this subject.)
It's not an altogether bad trait. Not blindly following each other proves Democrats are not lemmings or sheep. We can think for ourselves and have opinions that matter. We're educated in worldly matters. That's what makes us liberal. We have thoughts of our own. We are NOT Borg. We will NOT be assimilated.
But for the sake of this Presidential election, I wish we could for once be a little more Borg like.
Can we get together?