Readers be forewarned! This joke may be offensive to some. It should not be read by the following people: Right wing nazis, McCain supporters, Joe six pack, women who can't think for themselves, people who don't believe in dinosaurs, people who believe that you can Pray the Gay Away, people who believe in abstinence only sex ed despite their teenage children getting pregnant out of wedlock (thus proving IT DOES NOT WORK!) and ex beauty queens turned politicians who can "See Russia" from their houses and figures that constitutes having experience in foreign policy.
Remember: It's just a joke people! Now enjoy...
Courtesy of my good friend Corey who got it from his room mate Danny (yes, we Dems tend to network like that):
Q: What is the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?
Are you sure?
A: Not everything that comes out of her vagina is retarded...