As the day draws nearer.......

Nov 13, 2006 16:12

11/11/06 marks the final day of my JLPT preparatory class. That also meant that there are 3 more weeks or so till the final exams on 3rd of December. Honestly speaking, I am very scared. Why? Because I felt I had never put in much effort. No I am not going to ask for divine intervention. I will just try to pick up where I left off.

Also on my job side, I grow to hate my job as the days go by. Now I finally understand why people who are like me, who study so much, tend to know more, and that can lead to a scary experience. After doing Masters in Engineering Management, and also having written my own thesis regarding Human Resource Management during my time in Melbourne, I now truely know how fuck up my current boss is. He is a Japanese and he comes from a purely engineering background. I don't want to quote the entire passage of theories from Mintzberg or Michael Porter regarding management theories for job satisfaction and a motivated workforce. All in all, I want to say is that I DO LIKE my current job BUT I cannot achieve the job satisfaction that I am looking for. Why? Because my boss has bad leadership, bad management skill, poor foresight, bad business logic and greedy. If he was to have the entire opposite attributes as to those I have listed in the previous sentence, I would be more than happy to work my asses off for him. There is a saying that a Japanese man is married twice in their life, once to their spouse, another to their work. If anyone were to ask me to marry my current job, I will give him an UP YOUR ARSE gesture without a doubt. Through all these turmoils in my job, I managed to clinch 3 projects ahead for my company. 1 with Hewlett Packard Singapore, 1 with Temasek Polytechnic, and probably 1 with Philips Singapore (if my Japanese boss doesn't come into the picture). He is a fucktard who makes me lose more clients than gaining them. For more info of what I do, I am the product engineer for these products listed in this link (Self Advertising). So to you Mr. Ota, go UPGRADE YOURSELF WITH SOME MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE.

Doctor's appointment will be this week with my brother to see if I am obsessed with FFXi. But recently my aim in this game had all been achieved. I almost felt in my inner self that I achieved that satisfaction and I can almost feel that obsession is slowly fading. My brother's been facing some family problems. I don't like his wife as of late. She has a double degree and formerly held high post in UOB Bank and Federal Express. Had a 5 digit pay cheque monthly too. 4-5 years back she gave her career up, so my brother has to feed the entire family ever since. No doubt my brother is rich due to him being a Colonel in Army and have a fat 5 digit pay too, but I feel the way she spends his money freely and then her attitudes towards her maids and my family FUCKING STINKS. I grew up from a poor family and my dad and brother had worked their way up to what we currently have in our family. I am the only prodigal son in the family even though I do have that basic education, but I am just not as successful as my brother and sister. Even with the current status of my family, I don't entitle myself to look down on people, like the way my sis in law does it. FUCKING STINKING ATTITUDE. A lot of rich Singaporeans I see around me have that kinda attitude. FUCK THEM seriously, Fucking Gay Cunts.

I don't really like Singapore. Been back for 2 years and I NEVER really adapted at all. Recently I have been trying to convince my dad to migrate over to Australia. Australia is truely my home. I miss Melbourne a lot. People like my sis in law makes me hate Singapore. 60%-70% of the people here are so damn materialistic, the weather blows here, work for me is bad. I see it as negative for me at the moment. Hopefully I can go back to Melbourne, Victoria.






Jailer of Temperanceをマラソン中


ティアマットの物 ヘラルド出た!





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Last but not least, I was jailed for racist remarks and profanity against a chinese gilseller. FUCK YOU Fishball. Whoever called GM on me is a RMT Supporter. FUCK YOU CHINA FUCKEN CUNTS TRYING TO DESTROY THIS GAME. 

またに ノシ
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