Since I last updated I have:
- Been in a car accident. I'm fine. My car is decidedly not. It is an ex-car. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. Don't have car accidents kids - the paperwork is a bitch.
- Watched 27 Dresses. What a crappy crappy movie. It made me want to punch every single woman who worked on it in the ovaries because crap like that does nothing to empower women.
Side note: how did Katherine Heigl not cut her hand on James Marsden's cheekbones when she slapped him? He could cut diamonds with those things.
- Enjoyed Rob Thomas' return to television. I quite like newCupid and I think it's got potential if they let Trevor and Claire spend more time together. So far they don't have anywhere near the chemistry of Piven and Marshall but I'm willing to give it time.
Party Down aka 'the great Veronica Mars reunion of '09' is pretty good too. It's not quite as funny as it could be but I like the characters a lot, especially Henry.
- Watched 17 episodes of Legend of the Seeker on YT in about three days. I am very charmed by this one. It's not great television by any means but it hits a lot of my buttons. One of the reasons I shy away from fantasy is the lack of self-determinism - it's all prophecy this, destiny that, and nobody ever has a choice and I think it's more interesting for someone to defeat evil not because they are supposed to but because they want to. Despite the prophecy stuff of Seeker Richard does choose to take on that role and he embraces it - he may want a normal life someday but he's not bitching about being the seeker 24/7 either. He seems to treat it more like an opportunity than a burden...
...Except when it comes to Kahlan. Whom I love. Lots. So awesome. Always fighting right by Richard's side in her impractical but pretty white dress and generally doing a better job of it (Richard is hamstrung by that trope of TV writing - the hero must take down the bad guy in a prolonged one-on-one fight. Kahlan, meanwhile, gets to take out the multitude of nameless minions). I love that she's complex without being dark and angsty (coughStarbuckcough).
I adore how healthy Richard and Kahlan are, despite their epic star-crossedness. Not being able to be physical with each other results in them actually talking about their feelings for each other. Especially after running into Richard's ex Anna, they are very secure in their knowledge of each other's love for them. It's so refreshing!
Does anyone else get massive Farscape vibes from this show? Partly, it's the plethora of Australian and New Zealand actors who give me whiplash, momentarily take me out of the story (Jay Laga'aia who plays Chace sometimes hosts Play School here in Australia. It's a kids show where they sing nursery rhymes, tell stories, and interact with a cast of plush toys). The armies of Darken Rahl (most obvious villain name ever y/y?), with their red/black colour scheme remind me of the Peacekeepers. The Mord'Sith look like they shop at Scorpius' House of Fashion and have read his book "Torturing your enemies: A guide to mind fuckery". And even Richard reminds me of Crichton, with their farm boy-iness and generally happy dispositions.
So yeah, Legend of the Seeker is Farscape + The Lord of the Rings.
Finally, below is the absolute best thing ever:
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Participating in something like that would be awesome.