I haven't been posting about Doctor Who because I watch it on Sundays after work when I'm just too tired to write up my thoughts coherently but I just watched the season finale and I have to say something.
Watch season 3. Seriously. Even if you loved Rose so much and you can't bare the thought of her not being in the show anymore, please, watch season 3 and give Martha Jones a chance because she is so awesome and deserves to be loved just as much as any other companion if not more.
I didn't warm to Martha immediately because, yeah, I missed Rose but I suspect that when I rewatch those early eps I'm going to feel the love I feel now. She's just so brilliant and watching her save the world is a treat.
I'm going to talk about other characters behind the cut and there will be major spoilers for the entire season.
I adore the Master. Who totally lives by the way or did you miss Lucy picking up his ring from the funeral pyre? Also, the Master/Lucy 4 eva omg!!!!11!!1
John Simm is brilliant and I can't wait to see him again.
I wish Jack would stay on Doctor Who. He's so stoic and emo on Torchwood and I miss his fun and flirty personality on the TARDIS.
And I gotta say, the Jones family completely redeemed themselves in the last ep. Jackie Tyler left some pretty big shoes to fill in terms of the companion's family, but watching them work together and with the Doctor to bring the Master down was brilliant.
I'm bushed but I'll hopefully return to the awesomeness that is Doctor Who another time.