I quite enjoyed the Heroes finale, though the episode is falling apart a bit now that I think about it. Still...
NOAH!!!! Awesome! Mr NOAH Bennet has been my favourite character for ages because he just kicks ass all over the place. Claire's right, he always has a plan and I love proactive characters. Plus, he reminds me of Jack Bristow with his 'anything-for-my-daughter' attitude and that is always a good thing. Once again, he was completely great in this episode.
Also great was Claire. I love how she just threw herself out the window - she's definitely NOAH's daughter, nurture over nature.
Now the ugh:
-All you need is love? All this time I've been associating this show with Bowie but its real musical influence is The Beatles.
-Sylar lives or he turns into a cockroach, but what about all the destiny crap that's been shoved down our throats? I thought it was Sylar's destiny to be killed by Hiro? Oh show, I hope you're not just doing this because Zachary Quinto is popular - it is NOT a good idea to do that.
-Peter: Why don't you fly away? Or say that you can't access your other powers?
-Why did Nathan have to be redeemed? It just felt weird to me in this context of PETER having all the goodness and Nathan just the appearance of it (To mis-quote Jane Austen. From Pride and Prejudice. Spoken by Elizabeth BENNET!).
-One day Micah and Molly are going to have very pretty babies - come on they were totally into each other in a cute 11 year old kind of way!
-Peter isn't dead.
-Nathan probably is.
-NOAH Bennet will be awesome.
And I haven't seen Veronica Mars yet so please don't spoil me.