The latest ep of The Office was really great.
And I for one am not surprised or annoyed that Pam and Roy have hooked up. He's been trying so hard this season to make it up to her and I've been really impressed with how his character has evolved. Many couples who've been in a relationship together hook up again - sometimes they end it for real after wards or they get back together again. I don't think that Pam and Roy will stay together but I can totally understand why she would turn to him at this moment.
Ryan said nothing this ep but it was hilarious when he knocked the bouquet away from Kelly and into Toby's girlfriend. And OMG Toby was so cute!
I'm so glad we got to see Scrantonicity. Them pretty much only playing The Police - hee! And now I'm going to associate 'Fields of Gold' not only with Matt and Harriet from Studio 60 but also JimandPam.
I love Pam's dress. I have the perfect shoes to go with it.
Michael was Michael. Very cringe inducing. I don't think he's been that awkward for a while.
Does anybody know how many episodes will be in this season? I'm just trying to figure if JimandPam will have time to get together this season. It will probably be the season finale but I really want Pam to consciously pine for Jim and actually fight for him.