There is a doctor at Cornell University (and not just any doctor, but the Chief of the Institute for Pediatric Urology) named Dix Phillip Poppas who is
performing female genital mutilation on girls as young as 6 years old, in the form of removing portions of the clitoral shaft, because he thinks their clits are so big that their sex lives will suffer (note how he doesn't even bother coming up with a legitimate medical reason for the surgery such as "blockage of the urethra", which would actually make sense from an expert Pediatric Urologist). Furthermore, he is doing annual exams from the time of the surgery (remember, girls as young as 6 years old) which involve him placing a vibrator on these girls' clits and thighs and labias and asking them how it feels on a scale of 1-5 while their parents watch him do so. His supposed reason for the annual exams is to demonstrate a lack of harm, which would be like demonstrating that you don't beat your wife by hitting her as hard as you can and saying, "See? None of those bruises look like this mark!" All in the name of science.
You might be asking yourself, What IRB would ever let him do this sort of thing? Turns out he only told the IRB about
reviewing medical charts (scroll to the bottom for the pertinent paragraph). Which tells me he fucking *knew* it wouldn't be approved by anyone with actual ethical sense. That takes this out of the realm of ignorance and right into child-mutilating-and-molesting evil.