There have actually been some things to come out of
Surveyfail that would be interesting to people who couldn't care less that some asshole "researchers" were poking fandom with a stick (again). At the very least, as someone whose BA is in Psych and Neuroscience, I find
this examination of cognitive neuroscience (here's
more of that examination with more foundational work) and
this examination of psychology pretty fab.
EDIT: changed "surveyfail" link to point at a fandom-wiki entry rather than linkspam in case people are curious enough to read a summary
ETA: Even better, a non-fen explains
this is why we have IRBs (institutional review boards, aka the people who tell you when you're Doin It Rong re:human subjects). I'm about at the point of thinking that anyone who engages in research of any flavor should be given the "IRBs and Why We Need Them Even Thought They're Annoying" talk.