Feb 11, 2004 14:36
i think the past two hours of my life have been the worst of this new year! during my statistics class, i realized the incredible disproportion between the things i have to/need to/would like to do and the time i have to do them. ugh double up ugh ugh.
so i'm already feelin a little stressed about stuff, and i get on 85 norfbound. yeah, i literally almost get hit twice and run into the hov lane once by two lovely people on cell phones and one awesome guy reading the newspaper. i really thing i want that to be illegal. i would gladly give up my freedom to chit chat on the phone while driving to know that other people who can't seem to grasp the idea of talking AND driving will get pulled over for almost killing me....DAILY! (exit soapbox stage left)
so then i get home and remember that this morning i inadvertantly locked myself out of my room. great. fun. my hope rested in the fact that the handle had those little holes in them that you can stick something in if you ever get locked out. wellllll....yeah. it doesn't work so well when you break off the q-tip inside the handle. woo hoo! so now i figure i have to take the handle off the door. no big deal right? i mean i've done this 100 times before. umm hmmm. well since my apartment comlex is so new they have these "new fangled" things that you still can't unlock even if you take the handle off. so after about 30 more minutes of vigorous giration, the mug plops off, but now the screws won't go back in the handle and they are stripped. soooooo....if you ever come over and realize that my door knob is hanging half way off....it's not just your imagination...it's hanging half way off! beautimus maximus i say!!
at least now it's over and i can attend to the fifty bajillion trillion kazillion things i'd like to do but prolly won't have time for. and i also get to see ma lady, so technically i have no troubles in the world. she seems to make them all disappear. and i love her.
this is me
stressed sam
blessed sam
sorry for a whiny entry
i try not to leave them thangs