MY 2012

Dec 31, 2012 10:21

I had a productive 2012 despite all the emotional ups and downs in my personal life and day job. Writing definitely became a second job for me this year and after two promotional tours I'm pretty spent in that department. I know we writers must "put ourselves out there," but after discovering and rediscovering how very little interest I have in why and what I write, I've decided any future tours will concentrate more on reviews. Ya know, what others feel about how I write, which is really the point. Beyond that, I'm going to be hyper-aware of any projects, whether short term or long term, I agree on. I'm glad to have the work, be it minor in the face of publishing itself, but I need to better choose the hills I live and die upon. It's tough to write, edit and market yourself all at the same time-- well, for me anyway. I haven't had much time to enjoy life lately and I'm a firm disbeliever in that.

I'll be astounded if my numbers grow larger than this in 2013 But here's to a New Year of more writing, reading and enjoying, but less stressing, hair pulling and agonizing over deadlines.

25 interviews, 18 articles, 4 Short Stories, 1 Novella, 2 Novels

21 short stories (for an anthology), 3 short stories (freelance), 4 Novels (Nomads, Bottled Abyss, Dungeon Brain and Nightmare Ballad), and 2 novellas (Locked Room Misery and LIMBUS: The Slaughter Man).

On the reading end of the scale, I was decidedly lopsided. I actually read a few other books and novellas that are not listed below because they were for blurbs and weren't up on Goodreads. I'll add them later. I read well within the horror and dark fantasy genre this year and I'd like to broaden that in 2013.

Approximately 25 books (novels, novellas and collections included)

Chuggie and the Desecration of Stagwater
Kelley, Brent Michael

Wondrous Strange: Tales of the Uncanny
Spriggs, Robin

The Noctuary
Chapman, Greg

Life of Pi
Martel, Yann

Kurtz, Ed

Soundtrack to the End of the World
Rapino, Anthony J.

The Quarry
Gunnells, Mark Allan

Lullaby for the Rain Girl
Conlon, Christopher

The Void
Talley, Brett J.

Palisano, John

Rusting Chickens
O’Neill, Gene

The Trouble with Hairy: A West Hollywood Vampire Novel
Bodner, Hal

Twenty-Eight Teeth of Rage
Drake, Ennis

The Donors
Wilson, Jeffrey

Four Legs in the Mornin (Cemetery Dance Signature Series, #9)
Prentiss, Norman

Westlake Soul
Youers, Rio

Two For Eternity
Alves, Carl

Hodson, Brad C.

reading, 2012, benjamin kane ethridge, writing

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