Hey, what's up guys? I realized that the last time I wrote in this thing we were doing the Grand Prix thing in Florida and now that the weeks have passed and some more shit has been dropped onto my plate, I figured that I should give you guys something to chew on.
So, The Grand Prix thing happend and that was pretty awesome. The crowd was doing amazing and they accepted us as much as they could seeing as to how probably more than half of the people there could've kicked our asses. We played a full set right when the sun was about to go down, and it was pretty warm so I was fucking sweating my ass off, but when you're playing shows and everyting you sweat anyways. Uhh...when we got back into California, Joel and I decided to show up at the Butterfly Ball, which is this thing for charity. That was pretty fun and I saw and met a lot of people that I'm friends with, and people who I'd like to be friends with.
Shooting the shit in the studio with my friends and hanging out with a bunch of other people. It's really cool to be caught up in what you're doing and not really have anyone to pay attention to. I think Starbucks down the street have Joel and I's order by heart, the one Chinese girl is really starting to go ahead and make it without me even have to remind her of all our modifications. When you're in LA or a huge city, there are starbucks practically right next to eachother since it's such a high demand and shit, and I think that one is the only one I'd go to. It just seems cleaner and once you go to one for so long, you hate to change...especially since they're doing your shit right, you know?
I just hung out today. I tried to attempt some movie that looked pretty good on Paid Per View, but I got about a half hour into it and I had to pass out. The flick bored me so much that I was litterally dozing off in the opening scene. Okay, maybe not that boring, but still...it sucked pretty hardcore. I don't even remember what it was about other than it had Nicholas Cage in it and it sucks, so any previews with Nicholas Cage that you see on PPV that you want to order, don't do it. I'm warning you guys right now. I'm not Roger Egbert, but I'm telling you that this shit sucks.
I got a few emails on my sidekick today about the publications that are floating around in Europe. Kerrang magazine always does huge inserts about us when we make trips to the UK and they put up an article about us with some pictures and this 50 hottest stars or something. I think I made like 34? I'm not sure. I'm like the 34th hottest star, which is pretty amazing, right? I'd like to thank the little bitches back in LA PLATA HIGH when I went just for the simple fact that they made me want to make myself a little better, care about my appearance, and you know...I'm sure, actually, I know they're kicking themselves right now. All of those girls I had to drop my balls to ask out, I'm sure they're kicking themselves in their huges asses or their huge fake noses right about now. I remember Joel saying something about how this girl wanted to chill with him once when we were back home, and he said he would, saying he'd meet her somewhere and never showed up. That's something I would do...hopefully I run into some snotty bitches when I go back home soon. Anyways, back on the magazines. There was this 'love' article with my brother talking about his sex life and giving sex advice or whatever, but he was in some doctor's get-up, so he thinks he's some hot shit right now. Getting sns like DR JOEL MADDEN and harrassing me while I'm trying to download some porn (hey jenna). I just click out of the shit, but you know, I can't help it. He makes me laugh because he comes up with the stupidest shit to sign onto, and I get these accept messages and it just, it's funny, okay?
Tomorrow, I have no idea what I'm doing. Hopefully I don't get any calls and I can sleep in because I just want to. It's 5am right now and I haven't slept yet. I tried a little earlier but I caught this movie on TBS with Richard Gere and some old hot blonde. I think it was called Unfaithful. If no one has ever saw that movie, you should really just for the sex scenes alone. It's about some happily married woman fucking around on her husband (played by Richard Gere) with some Latin heartthrob. You know, I always wished some hot blonde broad would cheat on her husband with me. I'm no Latin heartthrob, but I'm Irish, and I could maybe...give you little red-headed kids, dress them all in green and grow up to be alcoholics? No, I'm just kidding. It was a hot movie though, the sex scenes were pretty nice, if I could say so myself.
On Friday is when all the big shit starts to happen. We're shooting the video for We Believe in Hollywood in some abandoned area. It seems like most of the videos we're doing now-a-days are in abandoned area but the theme of the video is pretty awesome. It's basically us performing for no one but ourselves, kind of like we're practicing in this large playhouse in the middle of nowhere. There's a big movie screen behind us, and it's showing imagaes and movies of the war in Iraq, the poverty levels in the world, the South Asian tsunami and everything else that's happening. We wanted to keep the video simple and realistic just basically because that's how the song is. It's a heartfelt song and if you guys haven't heard it, please download it...ask me for a copy, whatever, because it's a love song. And pretty much what we're saying in the words is we want everyone to come together, to believe, and love one another. We can't just sit back and live our lives and not realize what's going on around us. We're a world at war, and it amazes me how so many people don't even care about that. We have troops dying day in and day out, and it's a pretty scary thought. To bring the hope and light to everyone watching the video, we shot people around the world holding up signs that say "We Believe" in a couple different languages, people holding hands, just signifying that they're trying to come together, and make peace at such a frightening time. Towards the end of the video, we're shot again in the playhouse, except there's light shinging through, saying that we got through, and we made it one step closer to making this world a better place. Listen to the song, guys...love your neighbor and take care of your country. You make this world what it is today.
After getting all sentimental and heartfelt, I think that I should probably end this. I've been trying to hang out with a couple people since I got back and my phone hasn't been really ringing. I guess it's alright though because I've been pretty busy, but now that I don't have much to do tomorrow, maybe all of you that I've been planning to get with for months should hook up with me an we can go have some dinner. I know I've been trying to chill with Kelly for a long time and everytime we're about ready to head out, she never calls me back. I think she likes teasing me...I just want some free Country Buffet, something all you can eat so I can pig the fuck out. Rachel Bilson, too. Where the fuck are you? Hey xy, britney, brody, and whoever else that's just chilling. I'll call you girls later, I need to head out of here.
Noise To The World Tour starts May 03rd in Tulsa, Oklahoma but eventhough this shit hasn't started yet, we're already having some problems. Chris is still out with his "family problems." I hate to have some bad blood but my ass is on the line here. It was cool at first because Rob has been being a godsend and helping us out the best he can, but a couple weeks before we head out on the road, he breaks his wrist. He can't drum and even if his wrist was healed up, he still can't drum. I feel like we're getting shafted with this Chris shit, just because we lied for so long to fans about his muscles and now it's finally out in the open that he hates our guts or something. Whatever. After begging Derek (he's in the Alkaline Trio and he's drummed and filled in for us before on the last US tour) to please save our asses, he's come through once again, so for any fans that are reading this...still no Chris, homies. But say hi to Derek. He's a nice guy, and he won't bite. He's kind of good looking and I know you kids like that, I heard some talk on the last tour about him, so go say hi. Don't be shy. He's famous too, and he's in an awesome band. If you haven't heard of the Alkaline Trio, then you guys should definitely buy one of their records because they're an amazing band. Matt Skiba is a boy genious, I say that just because his mentality is of a rock. No, I'm just kidding. I kid, you guys. I kid. Matt's amazing. The Alkaline Trio is amazing, and you guys would be amazing if you picked up one of their albums. But for now, you can jump on the road with us...go to a show and just hang out with Derek. And just think, if you've heard his band, you can name drop and tell him what you're favorite Alkaline Trio song is. He'd be pretty impressed, I promise you guys. If you wanna know more about N2TW Tour,
go here.