Feb 11, 2004 02:04
In honor of Valentine's Day, this week I bring you an anthology of love poems. Today's poems debate the importance and meaning of romantic love, in a way that only philosophical single guys could do. Thanks go to contributing authors Philip Williams, Toby Cavanaugh, and Matthew Drake for their ongoing musings on love.
“Love of Friends”
By Philip Joel Williams
Roses, kisses, candlelight,
Lovers love as lovers will.
Romance burns a lovely bright,
Love of friends is sweeter still.
Friendship paints in selfless tones,
Lives a barren heart to fill.
Romance conjures breath to bones,
Love of friends is sweeter still.
Just as moonlight bows to Sun,
So to friendship, passion will.
Romance makes a way of none,
Love of friends is sweeter still.
No love letter bleeds to hold,
A lover gone when gone the thrill.
Romance in its time is bold,
Love of friends is sweeter still.
A Case for Lovers
By Toby Cavanaugh
Does friend-love light hearts to burn,
To risk death and dragons kill
‘Fore being loved in return?
Lover’s love is sweetest, Phil.
Who conjured bride’s breath from bone?
Romance was first in God’s will
Adam cleaving made him not ’lone.
Lover’s love is sweetest Phil.
"Yet to sip the lover's grail,"
I muse if you've had love's fill.
Once tasted one is forced to hail,
"Lover's love is sweetest, Phil."
Marry well a precious bride;
Let time pass, passion still;
You’ll know my lips never lied:
A lover’s love is sweetest, Phil.
"Disguised With a Kiss"
A poem by Philip Joel Williams
Written in response to "A Case for Lovers"
Stay thy hand, noble knight,
'Ere dragon fall needlessly by, and say,
"Upon my breath and right,
"Blood spilt without nobility, nor play."
To what end, noble knight,
A grail, a moment to end, for naught?
Doth wisdom form thy light,
Or hormones, in lover's brave body caught?
Up then! Answer me, knight!
Dost thou risk and die a love defending?
Doth water or blood fight?
Still better, testoserone unending!
Thou amuse me, my knight.
For all thy charm and bravery, thou miss
A vision; what I see is right:
True Romance is Friendship, disguised with a kiss.
Response by Toby Cavanaugh
If the only step from Romance
To a friend is a kiss on the lips.
Then I wonder perchance
Are kissing friends at a masquerade dance?
Osculating Companions
Are the ones wearing a disguise.
Smooching pals must cross a canyon
Before true love will gleam within their eyes.
If amused by noble knight,
You have never even felt love’s gentle
Touch set your heart alight,
Its power concealed, if just still mental.
Lover’s love is not a kiss
Or found in bed with legs entwined.
It is a life of sacrifice
Found deep within the will and heart, not mind.
Response by Philip Williams
Heart," say you, "and not a mind."
"Ocean spray, Aries aligned,
"The better things of joy designed,
"And all the pleasures lovers find.
"Touch what time and will create,
"Deeper bonds than friendship's fate,
"Formed and fashioned, not innate,
"The perfect love to those who wait."
Blind he is, the Cynic in me,
Bored with quips and riddles and keys.
Done with the notion that he can be free,
Bored with the Artist he finds in me.
Dead he is, the passionate petal,
Withered, unliving, colder than metal.
Turned to machine by blueprint and level,
Turned to dust by an abrion devil.
Awake, rose! Let loose your glad perfume.
Let it find Cynic, him hold and consume.
Free Artist alive from his poetless tomb,
His romantic body unearth and exhume.
By Matthew Drake
Fair seems weather on fairest face
Love springs divine from whence, no trace.
Proddings sinister below
Undertow; a fine disgrace.
Crash loud the elements above
Heavn’s dour skies drop tears to glove.
Wish-watching a gentle dance
Trance, accelerate rapes love.
Friend, brother, lover, mother, dad
Sacred relationships been had
Evil enemy for thrill
Kills. Love’s meaning has gone bad.
Love buds, again blooms beauty bright.
Defeat? No! Triumph and delight.
Once for all! Love never iced.
Christ! Redeemed the word in darkest night!
True love, all know, is patient, kind,
Artists oft’ have called it blind.
Confused by men, but never wrong
A song. And vic’try from behind.