Yeah firstly i appologise for crap grammar as im writting this on my phone again so it'll be a tad pants.
Okay so this is a note written by the mother of Storm: If you read that, it makes sense what she says. I dont know if i was clear in what i wrote last time as it looked as though i was saying what they're doing is wrong. I dont think that, i think more that it's not particularly right either. i'm glad someone's done it, the media storm has highlighted an issue in the world today and for better or for worse, people are talking about it. Reading what is going on with storm's older brother however was what i noticed more. He's a boy who likes long hair bright colours and dresses. Now his parents are cool with that and are letting him explore these things. We don't know what jazz is like, is this the precursor of gender dysmorphia... Who knows.. Truth is that he most masculine aduts are just as likely to "girly" things as a child, and vice versa. However allowing him within reason to play with what he likes is exactly the right approach. He can know who he is and that its ok to do things which someone else feels is innapropriate when there's no real basis for that concept as is the case of the gender binary.
The idea that keeping jstorm's gender private so that peple will get to know them despite of gender still brings the problem that like it or not people react differently to men and women in the world. By taking that prompt away it will not change that fact it will simply remove remove storm fromthe normal social protocol that exists today. Presumably that is exactly what they want, butby denying that part of storm's life... They're taking away rather than adding to it. However in the scheme of things it's hardly likely to cause much anguish in later life, it just wont help anything as far as i can see.
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