Oct 22, 2004 15:43
Finally the weekend has arrived.
Went to dinner with Ricci last night. It was nice to see him-he looks much better. Got to chat. Thanks Ricci!
Then last night, Aileen, Zach and I went to Halloween Horror Nights again. It was fun, we did a few haunted houses and rode a whole bunch of rides. We also saw the Bill and Ted show. Quite interesting. Then we went to Five and Diner. We didn't get home until like midnight, and I still had to record our Spanish video onto a VCR tape.
Anyways, I didn't get to bed until 1:00 am. And I was so tired. Then something happened. I have made a sequence of events for you to follow below::
2:59 am: Ben is sleeping soundly in his bed, comfortably.
3:00 am: Ben is awaken and startled by the fire alarm, which has just begun to blare in the building.
3:01 am: Confused, Ben gets out of bed and stumbles around the dark room trying to figure out what to do next.
3:02 am: Ben knocks on Zach's door to see if he is up. Ben is notified that Zach had to put some clothes on.
3:03 am: Ben and Zach walk towards the door of apartment, see roommate, continue walking outside. Zach calls security.
3:04 am: Ben proclaims that we are going to sleep in Zach's car.
3:15 am: Fire truck arrives and fire alarm is turned off.
3:20 am: Ben goes back to bed and does not sleep soundly.
There are a lot of things wrong with this situation. First off, Zach needed to put clothes on? Uhhh, I don't think I will ask. Next, when we got out of the building, all of the other residents were just standing on the stairways, etc. The FIRE ALARM IS GOING OFF, doesn't that indicate that there may actually be a fire? So I guess those people would have burned. And we never saw our roommate come out of the apartment. I have no idea how one can stand the horrible sound of the fire alarm. To top it all off, I had just went to bed at 1:00am, and then was rudely awakened at 3:00am to the fire alarm. Oh well, I suppose I made up for it by sleeping in until almost 10 minutes before I needed to leave for class.
At class, we showed our Spanish video. Ours was a lot different from the others in the class. The teacher really liked it and said that it was almost perfect. And it was funny.
Since on Friday's I don't have Musical Theatre Voice, I can come home for a few hours between classes. Too bad I had a lot of homework..I couldn't sleep.
We are supposed to go to secret shop a hotel tomorrow, but when we called to make reservations, they informed us that they were sold out. Now what?