Jul 12, 2003 12:38
So I got thirteen hours of sleep last night. That's the most I've probably ever gotten. I went to bed about fifteen minutes after Amanda left at 10:45 (which means in bed at 11:00) and woke up this morning at 11:45. So really, it was twelve hours and forty five minutes but I like to round up or round down to exaggerate things. :)
So if anyone reading this stupid journal went to Cornerstone, I'd love to hear about what your favorite bands, experiences, seminars, etc. were. So if you went to Cornerstone just this past year, or any other year for that matter, leave a comment. I'm interested in how other people enjoyed their week of God and rock.
I'd have to say that my favorite part was being able to worship with some of my favorite bands. The two most intense worship experiences were with Further Seems Forever and Anathallo. At FSF, I had a one foot radius around me because I was dancing around so much and I kept raising my arms and bumping into people and stuff. Their music is so amazing and their lyrics, regardless of popular opinion, are definitely God-centered.
At Anathallo, I think more people experienced the worship aspect of watching the band play. Their lyrics are more...direct, I guess is the word, for their message. Which I love. Because their words are so true and intense. So singing along the words "If my steps turn from the path or if my heart has been lead by my eyes or if my hands have been defiled then may others reap what I have sewn." totally broke me. I love these two bands. Anathallo and FSF are major blessings in my life.
"Abide with me. Fast falls the eventide. As darkness deepens, Lord with me abide."
"Go your own way, I'll be with you. Make mistakes and I'll forgive you. Home is waiting here for you when you return."