{POEM} we may not share the same uniform but...

Jul 16, 2007 22:06

I was thinking about the soldiers and wondered if they ever thought about me ...
not in a literal way but... well anyway still not done

i think of you often
when walking down the street
or marching in a heavy step while running
i remember a classroom
my hand
placed firmly over my chest

i could feel my heart beating
and would wonder what the word's meant

i wonder how
you stand
in storms or dust
heavy armor lifted over shoulders
while flames of smoke clear the chapped skin from your face

do you think about home

do you remember
before you signed that contract
what it was like to be 18
and still invincible

do you
feel invincible now
with a tank
or 21st century musket

i think of what it must of been like
to east your last breakfast at home
or the plane ride

tell me
does the dirt of america share the same smell as the mid-east

you were probably picked on too
in trailer park rooms
and rectangular shaped fences
pressed up against a wall
when the kids would corner you in the 7th grade

but somehow
as those bullies would come a few inches from throwing their fists
in your direction
you would dodge
and some miracle of god would
lift your feet and blow you quickly into safety

and just as you were then
you are probably scared now
the enemy of your childhood
has finally caught you by the belt loops
in desert sand

and stepping with military boots
paired in greasy socks issued 3 years ago
you march on
hoping that somehow
that same wind of your past
would find its way back

calgon doesn't live in the desert
and dreams don't come to you as easily
when the nights sky is filled with morter

i wonder if you think of the 4th
do these fireworks compare

we have never met
our eyes have probably not gazed upon the same sidewalks
or cut grass on the same street

but when we look up
and glance upon dark clouds
we meet
we see god crying his tears

and smiling brightly in the morning

and i pray for you
even though you probably
never pray for me

some wonder why I post things that may not be finished...
i think all of us in life
present ourselves unfinished
and we are all works in progress
people see us everyday

sometimes we should present the raw
so we can appreciate how far it took to get...
to the complete

{poem} we may not share the same uniform

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