umm...Charlemagne's records, pickin' up stix...& THE pOOR Protesterz

Oct 16, 2011 11:05

Yesterday afternoon I left out for Birmingham to do some promotion for our upcoming show at Marty’s- happening on Tuesday November 1st. I saw John at Alabama Power day before yesterday and he mentioned that Marty’s is a good place to play late night because a lot of the restaurant workers go there after they get off work. The show starts at midnight, so this is probably the latest show I’ve ever played at far as starting time (midnight)…and…they want us to play until 3 a.m. John Kulinich is gonna play six string guitar with us, David Keith on drums/ percussion and Brandon Peeples on upright bass- doghouse bass. I’m pretty stoked about playing this show.
I ended up stopping by Marty’s Bar last night (it was actually Marty’s 70th birthday party.) I chatted to him a while about styles he likes and what all that have booked coming up soon- an awesome jazz pianist and his band is playing soon and he went on to tell me he’s glad that I’m gonna play a lot of piano songs because piano is his favorite instrument.
I went to Charlemagne’s records yesterday afternoon as well and got some old dusty tapes- Primus’ Pork Soda, the soundtrack to Carrie, the soundtrack to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a Steve Earle album, a soundtrack to some movie that the Chieftans did all the music for and one other avante garde jazz tape w/ a song called Chicken Bone Bone. Epic. I saw a picture in Charlemagne’s that they had taped to one of the CD shelves, it was of Julie and Gene Simmons when he came in to the store when Kiss was in town, I went on to tell the store worker that Julie is my X girl friend and I used to play tambourine in her family’s church back in the day, while her mother rocked out on piano and the choir just sang along. Good days.
So, this one young lady was in Charlemagne’s while I was up there and I said “hey” to her and then I was admiring her style of clothes and then after I chatted w/ the store worker about the Legacy of Rick Carter ( I had seen a lot of his old Cds from the 80’s- when mullets where in style.) then I left to go walk about and I ended up at Cosmo’s pizza. Some of the protestors were still out and about- some of them actually still piling up in an old VW van after doing their “We are 99 % (the poor) and they are the 1 % - The Rich , protest” - where they all were marching up and down the side walk with their signes and yelling out at cars- RICH PEOPLE!!!! And they even had hand drums and these chants all planned out. It was intense.
Anyway, in Cosmos I saw the young lady from Charlamagne’s and as I nodded to her she was like: “Hey, didn’t I just see you in Charlemagne’s?” and I was like, “Yeah” and we had a drink together at the bar and chatted for about 30 minutes about music and her family and how she’s looking for an apartment in Birmingham and she was about to have an interview at Surin West- Sushi restaurant. Yum Yum Yum. I gave her some of my music- on Cds and asked her to add me on face book and say hey. We also talked to this guy beside us at the bar that looked like Dave- the bass player from GNP and he laughed about that because he knows Dave, but he’d never gotten that one before. He rambled about how his girlfriend is crazy and freaked out about her cell phone at four a.m. when she realized that she had left it in her friend’s car and she insisted they take a cab to go get it at four a.m., I’m glad I don’t have a cell phone…and this story reminded me how glad I am, it keeps one in the moment, real life now…when they aren’t constantly- 24/ 7 controlled by the actions of their cell phone.
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