No One's Getting Out Of Here Alive

Sep 14, 2005 21:03

Dang I'm in a good mood. Last night I had one of those ADD dreams where tons of things happen but the one I really remember was really funny. I am guessing that all of you have seen a football game so I wont go in to a ton of detail but the captains had just done the coin toss then the dream zooms back and the kicker is the only guy on the field and goes "Haha" and kicks the ball and everyone is on the sidelines going "oh crap". Trust me it was funny. I had band practice tonight and I was reminded of something The Bard said "God has turned his eyes form this unhallowed plot." I'm getting really confused as of late, I am talking to someone and expect them to say one thing and I am so far of the mark it isn't even funny. I used to be good at it but alas no more. Man I miss you seniors or last years seniors. I can't quite cope with the fact that the day that I've been dreaming of is less than 300 days away. Oh, funny story in Calculus we were sitting silently doing out group work when Laurel does the Jet whistle from WSS and I look around going "did I actually hear that" but Merrill goes like a dog that just heard dog whistle. It was funny, I guess you had to be there. Hmm weird, I'm so used to not being funny I apologies even when I don't know if this will be found humorous or not.
Till Next time,
Benjamin D. Curley
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