Aug 18, 2007 07:05
ehem. holy fuck buddy. no more piss soaked bathroom walls and bloody trashcans. no more exciting hatred. no more exciting boredom. no more pathetic, squawking, no-it-all bitch to latch into my only creation and call it her own. i wanted to spear her consistently for never shutting her fucking mouth everytime i would try to sing. i did not ask for that and it was like having someone treat your child as their own before your eyes. goodbye.
now things are supremely boring and worldly and i have to read books again for change, not the back of my hand. i went to the peelers with my step-dad yesterday and we got fucking trashed and bought eachother lapdances. i got us kicked out because i would not tip the black guy guarding the soap and paper towel. after not tipping him I asked for a mint and he tripped on me hard and threw me out of the bathroom by the neck. the next time i took a piss i left him a fake dollar bill scrawled on the back of an atm receipt that read "fear for greed". man am i a bad motherfucker. so the guy comes out to our table and threatens to kick my face in the next time i go to the washroom and the manager asks us to leave and I was really polite the whole time. i talked about czech authors and electronica with mari-anna, my lap artist.