Just want to wish everybody a HAPPY and SAFE new year for all of you folks out there. And im serious about the safe part. Don't go like eating tacs, or making poinsettia smoothies....thats not safe at all. now, playing with Lincoln Logs, thats safe
http://www.drtoy.com/2001_c/knex_2001_c.jpg ......have you ever wondered why lincoln logs are always in the education section in the toy stores? i never really got that...unless of course, some kid was like playing with them, then built a huge awesome barn and the parents are like he's got a gift! Our boy was gifted with the ability to design and build barns. but as always, the child grows and decides that he wants to be a rock n roll star. His awesome one of a kind talent gone to waist.... This kid had a chance to make a real impact upon the world and now he's thowing it all away! Ahh stupid Kids! They don't realize anymore its not whats cool or in style that matters, its what you can do to change the world, i mean where are we going to be when we have a nation completely over run with alternative bands, and rap stars. I'll tell ya, we'll all be working at wal-mart untill we take our last breath! We have to make a stand! I say LINCOLN LOGS FOR ALL, PLAYDOUGH, THOSE COOL UPRIGHT STANDING MARBLE GAMES FOR ALL! Then Maybe one day, just one day, we will be able to put that hourse away, wash up ,and sit with the kids and your mate, on the porch as the sun goes down, sharing the day's events, as you marvel at a job well done....that is one fine barn. It's sturdy as a stump, due to the fact it was built of a foundation of cobble stone, sand, water...and most importantly, love. Happy new years. My my vision of a more beutiful tomorrow be made a reality.
City of tomorrow: