Title: Artificial Intelligence
tifosarossoneraRating: PG
Pairing: Guti
Feedback: Yes, please!
Disclaimer: All lies.
Summary: Guti tries to create an illusion.
Archive: Beautiful Games, if accepted
Note: For
veiledxposure and the fic challenge.
Guti picks the dictionary from the shelf. He has to grin to himself. For a brief moment he tries to remember how long it has been since he last held this Spanish-English dictionary in his hands. The dust tells him that it must have been many years. High-school, maybe.
He places it on the table of the living room. He's sick of people secretly calling him "stupid" or "princess". Tonight, when some of his teammates are coming over for a challenge of Playstation, he'll prove them wrong.
Even if it's just creating an illusion.