Title: There's got to be a morning after
benitlePairing: Jensen/Misha Collins
Rating: R
Summary: Jensen brings someone home for the night. Being his roommate, it's inevitable for Jared to hear. Who knew Jensen was a screamer in bed?
Word Count: 1,549 words
A/N: Many thanks to
pez_gurl for beta. I kinda blame this on
missyjack who mentioned in her LJ that she
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Believe me, I felt very bad for Jared too when I wrote this. I am a J2 girl at heart, even though I sometimes like to play outside the box. And yes, Jensen might interpret this differently than Misha.
I don't think there'll be more of this because I really suck when it comes to writing sequels. But I'm not ruling it out completely either. Time will tell, I guess.
Thanks again for reading and commenting. :)
I'm right there with you, really. I love J2 but sometimes there slips the odd J3 in... but it has to be good.lol. And then of course we have Misha who is one major hottie and if I have to see Jensen with anybody other than Jared, it has to be him.lol. Poor Jensen though, I'd love to see him find his special someone... but maybe his ONS with Misha will make him look closer to home, who knows.
Heh, I hear you, believe me. I have the same problem because very rarely do my sequels live up to the first part... but I'll keep my eyes open just in case you decide to change your mind :)
You're very welcome and it was my pleasure, really! ^^
And yes, who knows? Maybe Jensen needs his heart broken before he can see what's right in front of his eyes.
Definitely. A lot of times sequels are just not as good. Goes for books, movies or fanfiction.
But yeah, who knows?
Heh, I used to think the same thing but now I dunno... I can read it but it can't be a PWP only... I have to have some emotional aspect too and I like my J3 best when it's not graphic between JDM and Jensen or Jared.lol. I like it though when Jeff and Jared are with a rather insecure Jensen and show him how amazing he is. :)
Yup, maybe that's the way... But on the other side I'm curious as to whether there will be lots of Jensen/Misha slash in the fandom or not.
Totally, it's just so hard to keep the level you went out on with the first part and anything even remotely close to what you did in that first part will just seem like a copie if done again.
Time will tell ;) (I know, corny, but what can I say, sometimes it just fits *lol*)
I can see quite a few Jensen/Misha fics. He seemed to have good chemistry with Jensen and that got fandom excited. So yeah, I can see it. :D
I'll be on the look-out. I liked how he portrayed Castiel and particularly the fact that even though he's one of God's Angels, he's not very angelic... at least when it comes to his behaviour ergo killing people (I know it wasn't intentional, his true form being too overwhelming and stuff, but still...) And the vibe he's got going with Dean/Jensen is a major plus too *smile*
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