Under the cut just a few words about 4xo9 as I'm about to head off to the shower. YAY for lazy days off!
I haven't read any episode reaction posts yet, so I don't know whether my opinion is popular or not, but man, I am GROSSED OUT. :( I'm really disappointed about this episode.
The whole Ruby/Sam thing grosses me out so, so much. I'm disappointed how this whole thing has been handled. Obviously, the SPN staff has been reading fan reactions to (possible) Sam/Ruby and I assume that they've read the whole rapist discussion.
Here's why I'm grossed out: It's not so much the fact that Sam's having sex (because, helloz thar, Jared!) - he should totally have more sex. It's more about the fact that Sam had sex with a demon - whether she was possessing someone or whether it was a dead body (or body that would be dead if she didn't possess it) - both of that is gross. (Edit: I've seen discussion how this is not necrophilia because the body is inhabited by a soul. And right now I'm arguing with myself whether demons count as souls. I honestly don't think so - I personally don't see the difference between a demon possessing a dead body and a zombie.)
What grosses me out the most though, is that this the creators' solution to a problem. It grosses me out that this feels so much like giving in to the fans' pressure. It didn't feel natural to me, but rather like it didn't fit into the whole episode. Something like, "okay, the fans are unhappy, let's give Ruby a dead body and avoid the issue." If they wanted Sam and Ruby to have sex, fine, I can accept that but the dead body thing felt as if it was written in there, just to avoid heavy fan reactions.
I wish that the creators would grow some balls and just go with the show as they had planned. This whole following the fans' lead, clarifications to the fans about whether Dean's a dick or not... man, I just wish Kripke would follow his own lead. You know?
(That having said, no matter how Kripke would have treated the Sam/Ruby thing - dead body or possessed girl - I probably wouldn't have liked it. I don't have to like everything - I can dislike things about the show and still love it to death. But I would have been able to accept it. Now I just feel gross.)
I want Ruby to go AWAY. The actress is horrible, horrible, horrible. She's even worse than Katie and I hate how Ruby feels like a totally different character in each body. *sighs* Ruby's best body so far was the maid. Seriously. (She also reminded me of Missouri who I desperately want to come back!)
BUT! After all the moaning and bitching, I also have good things to say:
I loved the Sam flash-backs. I think Jared totally nailed those scenes. I think he's come a long way as an actor and it makes me proud and happy. He broke my heart with his desperation and his anger and his dying wish to get Dean back and his final resignation. And I think the back story definitely does shape Sam's character and explain some of his actions. Jared did a fantastic job!
The guest stars have been great this episode - the demons, Anna. Apart from Ruby, very good casting this week.
I love how the show keeps fucking with the old black and white, good and evil. Angels want death and destruction of an individual, the demon wants life and saving the individual. YAY!
ALSO! Hm... I loved the scene of the boys licking their wounds. Hm, so hot! I want Sam/Dean fic now where they're patch each other up after a hunt and then reconnect somehow (touching, kissing, fucking.) Who's gonna write that for me? Or who has recs?
All in all, I'm ready to check off this episode and focus on the next. Season 4 has been incredibly strong so far and this is the first episode I didn't like (because of how Sam/Ruby has been handled).
Anyway, taking that shower now and then hopefully some catching up.