3x04 review.

Oct 27, 2007 19:10

Okay, so I'm a day late and actually, I don't have much to say either.

Sin City. I first thought that maybe the episode for some reason was set in Las Vegas. Don't they call Las Vegas "Sin City"? I'm glad it was not set there though.

Have I ever mentioned that the new intro sounds weird to me? The way Dean says those words sounds so horribly recorded and so fake to me. I always liked it when they would simply but bits and pieces from previous eps. Hm. However, I did like scenes they selected. Good foreshadowing of what was to come in this episode.

Anyway, as I said. I don't have much to say about this. I found the first half of episode so boring that I skipped parts of it when re-watching.

Okay, this first scene in the church... I first thought this Andy guy was the badass. But later on, when it was clear that he wasn't, it only took a short while to figure it out that it was the priest. I mean, as soon as he was at that bar, it was pretty crystal, wasn't it? Unfortunately, to me that was a little obvious (keep in mind that I never notice the obvious things).

Then the whole colt thing confused me. Even though I loved the interaction between the boys and Bobby - I mean, HOW awesome is Bobby? - I didn't understand why they'd have to fix the stupid colt in the first place. I mean, the reason it turned more or less worthless was because there were no bullets left. In Season 1 they said that it only could be used with those special bullets Samuel Colt made and that's why the YED demon told the Winchesters better not to miss. Wouldn't the real problem be the bullets? I mean, the colt itself never stopped working.

Boys in suits! \o/ Aren't those the ones from the whole bikini inspector thing? Sam's looking particularly hot in this scene.

Dean clearly liked that motel room. Magic Fingers. Mirror to watch himself as he fucks Sam. What's up with that pimp-kind of hunter? O.o Anyway, this is where the episode gets real boring.

Aaaaaaaaand, enter Ruby. I guess, I'm feeling indifferent about her now. I don't particularly like her and I don't particularly dislike her. But you know, Katie Cassidy is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. Sorry to say. She's hot, she's pretty but she's the wrong person for this role.

Another thing I wondered about was how the bartender demon could control the air from inside the devil's trap and make those stones tumble to destroy the book, but she could not destroy the devil's trap. I mean, when Sam was possessed during Born Under A Bad Sign, he could. So why can she control the air but she's not strong enough to destroy the devil's trap. That left me all wtf?!

I still couldn't really make up my mind about the exchange between Dean and the bartender demon, to be honest. See, first the episode is real slow and boring and suddenly it becomes so heavy. I found it really off-balance somehow.

I do realize that this is personal taste and that maybe this will turn into a problem for me in future episodes, because who knows where Supernatural is heading to. But for my personal taste, they went extremely close to going overboard with all this religion talk about God and evil. I didn't like Houses of the Holy much because of that - I felt HotH was too preachers' talk like and I simply don't like that. As I said, this is a personal thing, I've had my fair share of religion and religious talk and I'm mostly over with it. I'll have to see whether this'll interfere with my future pleasures of watching Supernatural but personally, I do hope that this isn't going to turn into the only topic of the show.

However, what I did enjoy were the little lessons in demonology. That's cool (and no, it's not contradicting to what I said above). I don't mind info on this, but if it turns too philosophical then I'm bored by it and develop a feeling of rejection. This probably makes only sense to me. ;)

I was quite happy that when Dean asked the bartender demon about hell that Jensen didn't over-act the thing and that it was subtle. Also when she asked him about the deal and whether he was scared. It was good that you could see he's lying but that it was still - more or less - subtle, or at least aimed at.

So, the preacher telling Sam in the car that he sees Sam in front of the pack, as a leader. At first, I didn't really get the reference but I'm quite sure that he hinted at Sam's original destination. The priest's reference didn't make much sense to me at first until I googled it. So, apparently this relates to Cain and Abel where Cain asked whether he was his brother Abel's keeper. Cain was the first-born, the older brother and later killed Abel after God rejected Cain's sacrifice but accepted Abel's. So, we know that John told Dean to kill Sam if he can't save him. Would Lucifer, reject Dean and accept Sam? It all seems to fit, but wouldn't that make Dean the brother's keeper? So to me, this reference doesn't make much sense. Maybe I'm approaching it the wrong way. Can anyone come up with anything else?

I did like the exchange about the masterplan though. So, YED has finally a name: Azazal (btw, how awesome is it that someone already updated the Wikipedia article on Azazal and added a reference to Supernatural?) The German version of the article states that Azazal was one of the second-rank fallen angels. I assume that Lucifer is first rank then.

I'm not quite sure where this leaves Sam. We know he was supposed to lead the army. Is he incarnation of Lucifer? Who is Ruby? Is she Lucifer? I mean, apparently she's might powerful. And she said that she'll be there with Sam to be the little fallen angel on his shoulder. I can't quite wrap my mind around that.

Interesting to know that bartender demon would have followed Sam. The point is that this puts a whole new level behind Ruby's motivation. It shows us that not all demons are alike and that maybe demons have something like, hm, I'm tempted to say a soul, but I don't think this is the right word. However, we can't take for granted that all demons are alike. I think bartender demon showed this clearly. She was likable.

As for the last bit of Sam and Ruby's exchange towards the end... I know they want to increase tension and build something up. But her being cryptic is getting annoying and it makes me want to scream at her to come to the point already. Maybe we'll see about that next week, huh?

Now that I've watched the episode again, I think I've changed my mind about it. I did like it. I still think it was mostly boring and I could have lived with the first half, but it brings up a few interesting questions.

Okay, looking at this entry, I guess it did turn a little more lengthy than I thought it would. *g*

supernatural:episode review

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